And here's a recipe for massage oil circulation in the legs and problems varices, followed by an infusion in addition to improving traffic.
circulatory massage oil "heavy legs and varicose veins"
50ml - 30ml Arnica macerate in HV grapeseed (Anti hematoma, circulatory, soothing, anti-inflammatory, easing)
- 10ml HV my cadamia (Nourishing, relaxing, very penetrating, protective, healing, soothing)
- 10ml Calendula macerate in safflower HV (sensitive skin, healing, soothing)
- 20gt HE Rosemary (venous decongestant, anti-rheumatic, diuretic, general tonic, relaxing and muscle relaxant)
- 20gt ET myrtle red (antispasmodic, decongestant venous and lymphatic)
- 20gt ET patchouli (decongestant, circulatory , cell regeneration, healing, tonic, aphrodisiac, anti-inflammatory, anti-infectives, anti-insects)
- 15gt ET peppermint (cardiac stimulant and tonic, digestive, decongestant nasal anesthetic and analgesic, antipruritic, Refreshing , Bactericidal, fungicidal, expectorant, mucolytic)
- 10GT ET vetiver (arterial and venous circulatory, glandular tonic and lymphatic, endocrine and immune stimulant, emmenagogue, sedative)
Procedure: To this little oil, it Just measure the different oils in ml, put them in a container of 50 ml and add the oil ess ential drops by drops. Shake! the oil is ready.
Directions: Apply on each leg of a hazelnut oil, massage in circular motion from bottom to top, to help the blood to rise.
circulatory Infusion "legs lo Urdea and varicose veins"
- 10g Vine Red leaves (antioxidant, vasoconstrictor, circulatory, decreases capillary permeability, increases capillary resistance, healing, astringent)
- Blackcurrant 10g leaves (anti-inflammatory, diuretic, draining, protects the blood vessels , vasodilator, vitamin C)
- 5g Peppermint leaves (cardiac stimulant and tonic, digestive, decongestant nasal anesthetic and analgesic, antipruritic, Refreshing, Bactericidal, fungicidal, expectorant, mucolytic)
- 5g Gingko biloba leaves ( Anti-inflammatory, improves cognitive function and memory, regeneration, antioxidant, blood circulation, vasodilator)
- 5g Horsetail leaves (mineralizer, silicon, antirheumatic, diuretic, arthritis and osteoarthritis, anticoagulant, facilitates urinary excretion)
Procedure: Weigh ingredients and mix. You can mash them to your taste with a pestle. Keep the tea in a bag or an airtight container protected from UV to prevent loss de propriétés des plantes .
Conseils d'utilisation: une cuillère à soupe dans un litre d'eau. 2 ou 3 tasses par jour
Pour approfondir le sujet :
Une varice est tout simplement une veine anormalement dilatée. Inesthétique, elle ressemble a un amas bleu boursouflé et tordu qui traduit une stagnation du sang dans les membres inférieurs.
Selon les statistiques, les femmes sont 2 à 3 fois plus touchées que les hommes...... encore un bon point pour nous, mesdames !!! on est gâtées :s
Pain - Tingling
- Heavy legs
- nocturnal cramps in the calves
- swollen feet and ankles
- Itching
If you are prone to varicose veins, here are some tips for avoid the inconvenience:
- I must eat healthily and avoid over-weight that excessive pressure on the veins of the legs.
- wearing stockings, they allow people to put pressure on the vein and to raise the blood flow
- We avoid exposure to heat
- We forget to smoke (this is the time to stop ...)
- Drink plenty of water, at least 1.5 liters (teas, tea etc. ...), it facilitates movement and reduces the effect of heavy legs (see recipe above)
- it rubs legs , it stimulates circulation! Combined with a suitable oil is even better (see recipe above)
- We avoid staying too long sitting and conversely, it also avoids standing without a break. We must find a balance. For this, we vary its posture as often as possible, you move your feet and ankles, and we avoid crossing your legs and lean the torso forward while sitting at the computer such as me this moment specific ......
- It elevates the legs to make up the blood. A simple gesture that relieves.
- This prevents too high heels who affaissent maintain the arch of the foot and poor circulation. It favors heels. Small heels are welcome! they stimulate the circulation by working more calves
- This prevents the socks and shoes that squeeze
- Cold water relieves! to complete a shower in style, why not switch to Glagla? a little help on the legs, and for the brave, a small jet over the chest to firm:)