Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Over Stepmothers Knee

Brownies with nuts

With melted chocolate soy cream:)

Here's a little recipe for chocolate lovers, quick and well done is mega good one:)

- 200g chocolate
- HV 80g Olive

- 90g sugar

- 100g ground almonds

- 80g flour

- 25g chopped walnuts
- 4 eggs

Procedure: In a bowl, combine the flour, ground almonds and sugar, mix well. Melt chocolate and oil in microwave or bain marie and then add them to the bowl and mix. Add the 4 eggs into bowl, mix.
You can add your chopped walnuts and mix and place into a dish you'll oiled. Bake 25 minutes at 180 °
Cool half an hour:)

You can serve your brownie with a little custard if your heart tells you and especially if not too lazy to meet you:)
For aesthetics you can sprinkle with almonds tapered or shredded coconut.
If you love chocolate, why not make a little white chocolate frosting or chocolate .... mmmmmm
You can also replace nuts by the double weight of shredded coconut.
short you will understand the variations are many, you explode :)))))

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hot Pink, Short, Poofy, Sparkle, Prom

Vote for me :))))))

Now the game that I attend "buy my ticket to Tahiti for cosmetic academy" is coming to an end, in this final stretch, I'll need your support:)
A survey was read up on facebook to reward the most beautiful cosmetic interpretation on "Tahiti and its islands."

To support me, click HERE and vote for "Vaiete by Christelle Spada" No. 25

To learn a little more about my involvement, click "Vaiete"

I count on you ^

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Can You Use Dummy Cell Phone For Parts

Mousse Cake lentil curry

A small cake recipe dirty very nice, you can make bread and cheese or serve with a good salad.

- 150g white flour Spelt
- 100g lentil flour

- 4 eggs

- HV 80g olive

- 1cs curry paste or powder

- 1 cup soymilk

- 1 onion, chopped

- 1 teaspoon baking powder

- Salt, pepper
- For decoration, a few flakes cereal

1. In a bowl, stir flour, baking powder, salt and pepper, mix well.
2. Make a well in the heart of the mixture and add the olive oil, then eggs. Mix gently with a whisk gradually adding milk.
3. Add the curry and onion mix. You can put in pan and bake for 45 minutes at 185 °
4. Cool and unmold.

hook is good!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Dermatologist Gential Wart

silky chocolate

I found this little gem on the blog of fine wheat sleeping, I changed a few things to make it to my taste and with what I had on hand, it is a true delight , much better than all the chocolate desserts that can be found on the market. It will not be the last time I do, this is on:) For 7


- 200g chocolate dessert
- 10CS soymilk

- 400g silken tofu

- 3cs almonds

- 2cs sugar rapadura

- 1cs vanilla sugar cane

1. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler or in microwave.
2. Meanwhile in a bowl, combine tofu, almonds, milk and sugar. 3.When the melted chocolate, add to the bowl, mix with a spoon. Then mix with a stand mixer until smooth.
4. Put the mixture into the ramekins and refrigerate for at least 12 o'clock, it's really better if we stay patient:).

Yum !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What Is The Best Fta Receiver Now Working 2010

Powder Scented " Red Mill "SWAP cabaret

"tonight as every night at the Red Mill, Nana, dancer Featured Review put on his performance attire surrounded by her dancing partners who gurgled gossip. While chattering girls clothes and make up of sequins to bring a shimmering whirlwind viewers.

Nana adjusted her makeup, she adds a final touch of lipstick carmen, then a serious look, gave up his feathers shimmering headdress. His gloved hand, she grabbed her favorite scented powder jar, smell like intoxicated every night, it laid nicely thanks to its powder puff on his neck and décolleté to perfume her alabaster skin and leave delicate dust stars. On one last look in the huge mirror cat boxes, she made sure of its perfection.

Nana got up and accompanied by dancers crept one step up the cat scene.

The evening promises to be sparkling. "

Below you will find the recipe for scented powder Nana.

For about 2 jars of 100ml

- 100g Arrow root
- 10g Clay yellow (healing, exfoliating, smoothing, toning)
- 10g White Clay (skins dry irritated sensitive)
- 5g Clay pink (healthy glow soothing sensitive skin)
- 3.5 g Strawberry powder (vitamin C, antioxidant)
- 2g Red Clay (Soothing, restorative shot radiance, detoxifying)
- 1g Seve bamboo (remineralisation, firming, toning, skin, blotting)
- 1g Vanilla powder (stimulant, tonic, anti-stress, aphrodisiac, rejuvenating)
- 0, 5g Lithothame (minerals, purifying)
- 0.5 g cinnamon
(antiseptic, antifungal, antibacterial, tonic, general stimulant, aphrodisiac)
- 0.5 g chocolate powder (Anti oxidant vitamins and trace elements, anti-stress, energizing, thermogenic effect)
- 0.5 g gold Micas
- 0.5 g hazelnut Micas

Synergy fragrance

- 20% ET Rosewood (Powerful regenerative tissue, Soothing, antiseptic, astringent, antibacterial, antifungal , Firming tissue)
- 15% ET Patchouli (Decongestant, circulatory, cellular regeneration, healing, tonic, aphrodisiac, anti-inflammatory, anti-infectives, anti-insects)
- 15% ET Ylang Ylang (cell rejuvenator, an antiseptic, aphrodisiac)
- 15% ET Lavender (Calming, antidepressant, antispasmodic, muscle relaxant, antiseptic, healing, regenerating, analgesic)
- 15% ET Geranium (soothing, healing, wrinkles, skin problems, anti-inflammatory, refreshing, astringent tonic Anti-infectives, anti-bacterial anti-fungal)
- 15% ET Bergamot (Purifying, antiseptic, refreshing, calming)
- 5% ET Benzoin (Antibacterial, healing, soothing, hydrating, toning, stimulating)

For container, I procured paper mache boxes at creavea and polish to refine the food box. I just painted in black and add a touch of glitter to my nail. Voila, it makes it rather well. Cons by the container is not waterproof, for the trip, I put my powder in des sachets :)

J'espère que ça vous aura plu les filles ^^

Photo avec la houppette piquée chez Ingrid :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Dell Not Recognizng Usb Mouse

My participation in the academy cosmetic

Voici ma participation pour le concours ^^
J'espere que ça vous plaira :)


Spray bi phasé apaisant et rafraichissant visage et corps

L'archipel des iles sociétés

Pour 100ml

- 5g monoi de pamplemousse (Nourrissant, raffermissant, tonic)
- 10g Vanilla Monoi (Nourishing, Firming, Refreshing, tonic)
- HV 15g almond (softener, softener, anti stretchmarks)
- 10g HV passion fruit (protects skin aging, regenerating, dry feel, flexibility)
- 50g spring water + 1 vanilla bean infused (stimulant, tonic, anti-stress, aphrodisiac, rejuvenating)
- 10g aloe vera juice (Vitamin B C, folic acid, carotene, hydration, nutrition, skin deep, cellular regeneration, revitalizing, purifying, soothing, protecteur)
- 5gt HE patchouli (décongestionnant, circulatoire, régénérant cellulaire, cicatrisant, tonique, aphrodisiaque, anti-inflammatoire, anti-infectueux, anti-insectes)
- 7gt HE pamplemousse (astringent, tonique, detoxifiant, antiseptique)
- 1g arome vanille
- 15gt conservateur geoguard
- 1 pointe de micas doré
- 1gt Colorant bleu alimentaire

Conseil d'utilisation: bien secouer avant chaque utilisation , spritter sur les parties du corps à nourrir et hydrater, puis masser pour bien faire pénétrer le care.

At the time of the discovery of Tahiti, Vaiete "gushing water", named after the river has its source in the territorial assembly, passed through the royal lands and gave its name to the city.
Vaiete became Papeete, meaning "basket of water" in reference to people who filled their canteens to the river and then they carried in woven baskets. Today
Fountain Square Vaiete gives meaning to his translation of "gushing water".
name Vaiete is a nice illustration of the two-phase lotion that must be shaken before each use so that water burst forth his benefactress moisturizing and nourishing. The two phases are mixed and gives an impression subtly sparkling reminiscent of the shimmering river. Who says

Tahiti beach and the sun also said, this dual phase could apply after sun care with its soothing and refreshing. It is also used in daily care to nourish and hydrate the skin.

olfactory speaking, I chose to combine the sensuality of vanilla found in Monoi and clove infused with the aqueous phase, the sweet essential oil of patchouli, enhanced by the freshness of grapefruit essential oil and Monoi version.

Grapefruit: essential oil invigorates and brings a fresh and a touch of good humor. His version macerated in monoi provides more nourishing and firming.
Vanilla: intoxicating sensuality is reflected in Monoi and clove infused, it regenerates and tones the skin
Aloe vera: soothes and protects skin. Its high content of vitamin B and C provides skin regeneration and deep nourishment.
Patchouli: tones the skin and regenerates. Its healing properties anti-inflammatory and make it a stated ingredient after exposure to sunlight.
The sweet almond oil: and softens the skin.
oil passion fruit: regenerates skin cells and protects the skin against skin aging by providing the flexibility

From a aesthetic point of view, I wanted it Two phased reflects the beautiful beaches of the archipelago of Companies. And it succeeded! yellow oily phase rises gracefully to the surface and corresponds to the sandbar and the aqueous-blue lagoon is the beautiful Tahitian lagoon.
This treatment is an invitation to travel. Thanks to Olivier and this contest, I could broaden my horizons. Having had a taste of Tahiti and its islands, a few months ago through the film "The Bounty" and the series of Captain James Cook, I could expand my knowledge of sailing on the net, sites sites, myths myths, leading to another I came across "Vaiete" and the combination of two phase to the water that flows to me was obvious.

A big thank you to Oliver for all his work to provide and what superb contest that puts Tahiti and its islands in the spotlight. Good luck
all participants

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Cubefield In Small Screen

Swap evening cabaret

Here finally the grand finale of the swap cabaret, packages have arrived safely for at least 2 good weeks. Between work and reconstruction of the roof of the house, I have not had time to introduce faster all the wonders devised by participants. I do not make you wait longer.
Watch out now, it shines and it shines!

Ambrelune: * Soft Soap in red

must say that with the miss, it is in symbiosis. Were selected every 2 to illustrate the "Moulin Rouge", with the same label in addition, is not it great? Ambrelune exercised his talent in the soap, and we released a marvel in red and black enhanced with a white boundary in the middle and an overlay of the blades of the windmill. I look forward to seeing the manufacturing steps on his blog.

Artimus: Freezy mist spray and a lip balm Hot chocolate

My Cherinet is a rascal, but it I already knew it ^ ^ hihi has create a spray for the sharp pins (careful, do not show zhom ..... this spray does not draw the nipples:) I prefer to prevent ....) It smells so good and plus the bottle is really cute too! And the little lip balm feels too good chocolate, a real regression!

Chantilly Cherry: Soap Lady Leather to pluck between velvet and leather

Ahhhhh, when I opened the package of Cherry I drooled on packaging. Really creepy this red and black enhanced with a feather. This soap smells so good and plus it's too sexy red bustier with her!

Ingrid: Jane Avril Soap

A bed of pink feathers, red and black and an intoxicating fragrance ... . Ingrid has put together a wonderfully sensual honoring dancer Jane Avril at the Moulin Rouge and the Folies Bergere, one of the muses of Toulouse Lautrec

Kafé: Divine Miss Moss shower soap and Silk Satin

Kafé queen but also soda potash, has put together a duet for the shower of bubbles. A beautiful pink and black funnel soap and shower foam with potash regressive odor that I already finished ... sniff!. This beautiful flashy pink makes a nice tribute to Crazy Horse! looove!

Lils: Balm Whipped "Gambette Star" and a shower gel in ceremonial dress

Quand j'ai ouvert le colis de Lils, je peux vous dire que j'ai tombé la mâchoire. Des cosmétiques habillés aussi sexy, c'est rare. Pour l'occasion la belle nous a concocté un baume fouetté "gambettes de star" emmitouflé dans son boa rose et une gel douche en tenue d'apparat digne des plus grandes meneuses de revues à l'odeur délicate et d'un beau rose pailleté. Le baume est une petite merveille, la texture est extra ^^

et rien que pour moi, se cachait dans le colis, un corset noir et rouge en melt and pour. Je ne résiste pas to show you, it is beautiful and feels good too and in subject and more. Beautiful is not it?

Meylusine: Star cleansing massage and round satin

Meylu has concocted sweets and delicate nature, a star violet cleansing (this recipe is a pure killing!) and a round of massage golden satin with mica for legs, but I used it for my poor hands, which were thirsty angels.

Nansou: Fine champagne and champagne soap Jane Avril

Through this swap, you'll have all understood that Nansou does not drink but is drinking water with champagne (hihi ^ ^) No seriously, when she goes out the champagne, it does not mess it with soap:) She has put together a soap Jane Avril in the intoxicating scent that I already done, we do not really see the picture but the top is dressed in lace and micas hazelnut. Then a beautiful cream Champagne also filled with good ingredients that I almost finished. No conservation problems my beautiful, she is well shot:)

Pamela Love Soap

Pamela has put together a soap "Love" mottled red and gray, topped by a red feather. The scent is sensuous and sparkling soap flakes on top and red on the stamped arabesque on the soap. A true gem:)

And I: Powder Scented "Red Mill" and puff

As for me, I realized this swap for a scented powder "red mill" with essential oils. For the container, I procured paper mache boxes that I painted black, the glaze is food What I did was added some glitter to the delirium ^ ^ We do not see in the picture , but the box contains a small puff pink with a black ribbon to apply powder more easily. I would give you the recipe in my next post

Pour ma première organisation de swap, tout c'est remarquablement bien passé, pas de retard dans les envois, pas de colis perdus, les filles se sont vraiment creusées les méninges et ont joué le jeu du thème. Je n'ai qu'une idée en tête maintenant............RECOMMENCER!!!
Je tiens à remercier les ladys qui en ont profité pour me gâter avec l'envoi des colis. Vous êtes vraiment adorable!! des gros bisous parfumés rien que pour vous :)