Friday, May 7, 2010

Dermatologist Gential Wart

silky chocolate

I found this little gem on the blog of fine wheat sleeping, I changed a few things to make it to my taste and with what I had on hand, it is a true delight , much better than all the chocolate desserts that can be found on the market. It will not be the last time I do, this is on:) For 7


- 200g chocolate dessert
- 10CS soymilk

- 400g silken tofu

- 3cs almonds

- 2cs sugar rapadura

- 1cs vanilla sugar cane

1. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler or in microwave.
2. Meanwhile in a bowl, combine tofu, almonds, milk and sugar. 3.When the melted chocolate, add to the bowl, mix with a spoon. Then mix with a stand mixer until smooth.
4. Put the mixture into the ramekins and refrigerate for at least 12 o'clock, it's really better if we stay patient:).

Yum !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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