Sunday, January 30, 2011

Cobb County Ga Deed Records

C’est une journée blanche et grise. Il ne fait ni froid ni doux. Il ne fait pas franchement soleil, mais on le voit de temps en temps et, au moment où j’écris, it sets everything orange over a wall cloud. Neigeotte it a little, sometimes more sometimes less, any kind of light flakes which takes FOREVER to fall, as if he wanted to wander and explore their world before settling on the ground.

I feel a bit like that today. I varnousse. A little preparation course, many readers of blogs, a load of laundry and household early in my former office. It's pretty typical this time of year, Christmas is the sound of quiet routine of the session begins. To be honest I feel a bit on the neutral, coasting to go.

It's a comfortable situation, fairly flat but ultimately is not that the ideal of modern society. ? Be met, surrounded by wealth as few companies before us? A little vedge is consumed one of the elite culture, other hockey on TV. Yet we dream better, more Bebel or action, a prince charming or health, then we say it is worse.

could be in Egypt and demand the same thing ?

Still not.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

When Is The Naturalist Pagent?

Fifteen books: a leaf in winter

The cold weather of yesterday there is room for a little snow. The St. Francis River becomes an abstraction, geometric black line and the middle of the white matrix of both banks. I smiled a lot yesterday to the media panic. Yes, it was less than thirty-two in the morning. So what? They call it winter in Quebec and I think we always have two or three cold spells similar between December and March. And sometimes it lasts longer than a week. Just annoying to ventilate the apartment now that I have rearrested smoking. Take the opportunity to cure the exercise: write a text without smudge. A single sheet today, perhaps serviceberry.


Dr. Ferron Ah! Curiously, the first book I read it does not impress me more than necessary. I read in a novel course in college, around 1978 and it was mandatory. The wild rose is a sad book in the vein where Ferron watching people get little slow in the world. I did not know at the same time the author was doing the same chose. Pourtant Ferron était une célébrité à Longueuil. Le fondateur du parti Rhinocéros habitait à deux pas de mon gros cégep et j’avais même eu la curiosité d’aller voir son bureau de médecin, sur le chemin Chambly.

C’est peut-être vingt ans plus tard que j’ai redécouvert son œuvre. D’abord les Escarmouches, recueil des ces historiettes et autres articles qu’il a multiplié dans les journaux. J’y ai savouré son ironie parfois féroce qui savait mordre les élites là où ça fait mal. Mais j’ai surtout lu un des plus grands connaisseurs de l’âme québécoise. He knew his stuff out of the folk-Catholic French to show diverse, multicultural key Irish or Native American, britannisée also by Scottish and English, always frankly amériquaine. He has also managed to go behind the scenery of the large villages of Quebec to find the gaps, that free men who can see the vanity of political and religious elites is nothing but the mask that is comfortable gives a people deeply uneasy, sometimes rebellious and who is silent to survive in a country uncertain. Sometimes we feel sorry to see what people s'anesthésier in the comfort of the suburbs universal. I think it is not wrong.

I have spoken often in this blog Ferron, his greatest book is probably The sky of Quebec, recently republished in his pocket at the library in Quebec. The annotated edition is fortunately, which lets you enjoy all keys, all the winks which abound in the story. This was not the least talent of this writer know that his books distill into his encyclopedic knowledge and practice in Quebec. Studies ferronniennes sont encore très vivantes, on en a l’écho dans ce très vaste site qui lui est consacré. On y trouve quelques historiettes, ce qui ne gâche rien. 

Saturday, January 15, 2011

My Cervix Is Very Low Before A Period

A beautiful old movie

L'autre jour, j'entendais des étudiantes parler de La belle et la bête et de louanger le film de Disney. Je n'ai pas pu m'empêcher de leur demander si elles connaissaient la version de Jean Cocteau. Dans le brouhaha de la fin du cours elles m'on dit que non. Elles ne connaissaient probablement pas Cocteau non plus. Moi non plus, si ce n'avait été de cette curieuse prof du cégep qui nous avait fait lire la Difficulté d'être dudit Cocteau. J'avais aimé ce livre, which led me to write a text in the kind of rather than the mundane summary. In that time, the teachers we often offered this choice and I preferred m'épivarder in creation rather than summarizing banal. Paid side note, since no one did, useful also for the writing exercise and introspection required in the context. I remember a text laid on the masks, the ones we give ourselves and to bear them, we turn to turn. But the mask he was selected as ... She was well loved.

In this course she introduced us to the Cocteau film. And chance had that in our group, there was a lady who was an extra in his film. Imagine the gossip set, always heard (it is 1979), but nevertheless explicit. The film is dated. The language of actors ranging from classic French to the banter of the suburbs in 1940. But hey, Cocteau had a flair, boldness and address book that it took. It's a story for children that only adults can understand.

It is on You Tube.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Find Bluetooth Manufacturer

Fifteen books following the stripping

winter returns. The last patches of grass are now covered with a good 15 cm of loose snow. After college two weeks ago, the session begins Monday at college. A fine schedule, as during the morning. I'm an early riser, I'm fine. As for my youth, I am less sure. A firecracker exploded in a class at 8.30 can be considered as a teaching tool?

It is high time to return to the series that began a month ago so here are three authors who were important in my life.

The college was for me a time when I did a lot readings that have shaped my ideas. I owe my courses in philosophy of having discovered Lewis Mumford. Not that we have studied the magazine but because Criterion busy at the time by Jacques Dufresne had organized a writing contest on urban issues that interested me. It browsing this issue I discovered what Mumford's classic The City in History (The City in History) and given up writing this text. In this book, making the history of cities and urban planning, he argues for a return to human scale, sensing the rampage entailed the automobile or the inhumanity of the modernist ideas of Le Corbusier and others.

His last major book, The Myth of the Machine (horribly translated into French) me even more impressed. It is a pessimistic book that it does not condemn as art in itself that interested in handling what he calls megamachine, large conglomerate financial interests military, industrialists and politicians whose sole purpose is to replicate and expand its influence. This results in a dehumanized world, a growth which runs pour elle-même. Disons que depuis quarante ans que ce livre a été écrit les faits ne lui ont pas donné tort. Oui, grâce à internet  l’information circule et n’a jamais été aussi accessible, mais je me demande si cette omniscience virtuelle ne cache pas une plus grande ignorance du monde réel. Malgré son pessimisme, il conclut « But for those of us who have thrown off the myth of the machine, the next move is ours: for the gates of the technocratic prison will open automatically, despite their rusty ancient hinges, as soon a we choose to walk out » C’est un principe qui m’a toujours guidé.  

My first contact with the work of Raoul Blanchard became the worst possible way. After a turbulent year, the college where I did my secondary 3 had forced me to take some work session. I did not finally made, which earned me a change of establishment also beneficial. Among these impositions, there was one to summarize the summary of Canadian Studies Raoul Blanchard that was the Canada-French version 1960. I read the book with passion but it is understood that summarize the 300 pages of a book which makes the synthesis of 1500 was above the forces of a cul-ti 14. Unknowingly, my geo teacher with whom I had incompetent baffled confirmed my passion for all things geographic. Blanchard's prose had helped. This disciple of Peguy a good pen, like many geographers of his time. He had a round of boosting long lists of facts or data to arrive at deriving the original line, one that makes sense. Add a gift for metaphor and that kills you a description of Monteregians who are like "a coward herd of elephants spread across the plain of Montreal "and you have a model for analyzing geographic never boring to read.

Many years later, when I began my bacc in geography, my brother suggested my father to give me for my birthday a series of five volumes of Blanchard on Canada- French. This is the best gift I ever had. I've savored all summer, and this has made me very damaged but fairly unbeatable on the geography of Quebec. I dream one day to have time, energy and discipline (!) to rejuvenate this masterful study that is not much read by historians. At a time when geographers surspécialisent, I think is to forget that one of the qualities of discipline is its sense of synthesis reports that humans have with their environment. (1)

This report is the heart of the thought of the last author whom I speak today. This is the ecologist Pierre Dansereau. I discovered in the old Quebec Directory tools planets that Grip was published around 1975. It made much of this volume which introduced a major study on the ecological impact of the deceased Mirabel Airport. Dansereau is one of the last survivors of this group of exceptional men that Marie-Victorin had gathered around him, he will also centenary this year. This is an original thinker who wanted to make a bridge between ecology and bio-biological sciences. Thus, the classic pyramid cons transformation / predation / recycling of natural environments, he suggested the ball arrow widens the concept of ecosystem humanized landscapes and territories. (2) For example, the apartment where you live is an important ecosystem and other ecosystems of the products (electricity, food) that are used and the residues are then exported to other ecosystems, a dump, say.

This way of seeing the world as a network of interrelated ecosystems was a revelation to me important then introduced me to the systemic and integrate all the concepts that I could learn in my studies. This was also done by my endless thesis where, using the concepts proposed by Dansereau, I had fun building the ecological history or historical geography of a village in Eastern Townships Est. And no need to tell you that when my manager offered me Mr. Dansereau's memory as an external drive I was more than honored. He was 94 and I think I was his last student. He liked my work. (3)

(1) In good academic, Blanchard has published the entire contents of its five major books in the Journal of Alpine he also founded. They can be found in the wonderful portal Perseus, which has digitized many scholarly journals, just have to write (advanced search) title Canadian Studies and author Blanchard and magic all items are available as pdf files.

(2) To understand the thinking of Pierre Dansereau in those years, there this interview with Joël Le Bigot, from the time he knew to be silent.

(3) To know man as he is, there's this documentary that her cousin Fernand Dansereau He was consecrated. Its title, Some reasons for hope sums up what it is, and having met with a group of my students is very him. Only human. With his funny accent of Outremont.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Is It Illegal To Point Toy Gun

A bit of folklore

A little snow tonight, so I'm back from my sprint biennial corrections. Already a first class tomorrow at the uni ... the holidays are short. Fortunately, the college began later.

The holiday season always brings a bit of traditional music, as they say now Trad. That I finally found it on You Tube something I was looking for. This is an excerpt from the TV series Man and the music that Radio Canada and CBC had produced in the mid-1970s. One of the great moments happens when the famous classical violinist and narrator of the series, Yehudi Menuhin plays a duet with one of the great Québécois viololonneux what was Jean Carignan Andre Gagnon on a piece dedicated to him . Quite moving.

The moment was even more magical was that Menuhin l'idole de Carignan. En lisant les commentaires sur You Tube on comprend aussi que ce folklore de rigodons de gigues de reels et autres quadrilles est le produit d'influences irlandaises, écossaises ou anglaises ajoutées au vieux fond français. Un métissage, bien avant que cela ne devienne la vertu de notre modernité. Allez, deux autres pièces de Jean Carignan.  l'increvable Rêve du Diable:

Et, soyons chauvins, la gigue de ma ville, podorythmie comprise:

Ça doit pas être facile de taper du pied en jouant du violon....

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