Saturday, January 15, 2011

My Cervix Is Very Low Before A Period

A beautiful old movie

L'autre jour, j'entendais des étudiantes parler de La belle et la bête et de louanger le film de Disney. Je n'ai pas pu m'empêcher de leur demander si elles connaissaient la version de Jean Cocteau. Dans le brouhaha de la fin du cours elles m'on dit que non. Elles ne connaissaient probablement pas Cocteau non plus. Moi non plus, si ce n'avait été de cette curieuse prof du cégep qui nous avait fait lire la Difficulté d'être dudit Cocteau. J'avais aimé ce livre, which led me to write a text in the kind of rather than the mundane summary. In that time, the teachers we often offered this choice and I preferred m'épivarder in creation rather than summarizing banal. Paid side note, since no one did, useful also for the writing exercise and introspection required in the context. I remember a text laid on the masks, the ones we give ourselves and to bear them, we turn to turn. But the mask he was selected as ... She was well loved.

In this course she introduced us to the Cocteau film. And chance had that in our group, there was a lady who was an extra in his film. Imagine the gossip set, always heard (it is 1979), but nevertheless explicit. The film is dated. The language of actors ranging from classic French to the banter of the suburbs in 1940. But hey, Cocteau had a flair, boldness and address book that it took. It's a story for children that only adults can understand.

It is on You Tube.


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