Monday, March 30, 2009

The Original Bowie Knife

insomnia snoring + = \u0026lt;3?

Have you ever slept in the same room as arrant snorer? Not a buzzer Saturday night who drank too much, or a buzzer in March that hay fever, no, I'm talking about the real snorer daily. The man lawn mower, a Rottweiler asthmatic end of life, a cancer of the sinuses, a robot whose breakdown was built with an engine of 103.
For a human being traditional, it should resemble a kind of purgatory. For an insomniac is Hell with a capital letter please.
Originally insomnia is your brain, instead of going to sleep when it is horizontal, begins to operate with as much enthusiasm as a grandpa on a moped who are beginning an ascent of Kilimanjaro. That pedal et ça pédale tout en sachant que cette pédalade est vaine. Un insomniaque qui se met au lit sait aussi que ses retrouvailles avec Morphée sont de l’ordre du fantasme.

Ajoutez donc à l’équation insomniaque le nombre de décibel émis pendant un concert de death metal : notre fameux Homme-tondeuse. Quatre heures plus tard tu ne dors toujours pas tandis que lui émet ce grognement infernal transpirant la satisfaction du repos du guerrier, la sérénité du sommeil du juste. Résultat du notre équation : insomniaque + homme tondeuse = capacité créative dédiée à la torture et à la cruauté * niveau de décibels.

Appliquée à On the night of 29 to 30 March 2009, our theorem we therefore propose the following result: drive a pump where I think and inflate a blow dry to see if it would lead not something somewhere suture holes nose and inserting tampax (used or not) and inserting blowguns loaded ball explosive close man mower with a sow in heat (or bear); close man mower with a bum who may happen to the obstructed breath , obstinate and raucous perfect speaker, etc..

At 2:45 am, when I stopped doing this joyous inventory, I turned on the light without guilt and also no effect on Man-mower that does not even flinch. I opened my book. Ten pages later, I stumbled on this:

have not lived until you
was not in
a flophouse
with just a

bulb and 56 men crammed

on cots
where everyone
snores snoring

incredible ---
noisy breaths

sprung right

We love

these noises

Charles Bukowski, night shelter, in With the damned.


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