Thursday, April 23, 2009

How Do I Make A Wedding Program In Indesign Cs2

"The revolution is not a gala dinner. They were right, it's something big rednecks. Lazy

Right now, I do not know if people are too familiar, because it gets stung way to the headlines from our beloved first lady, or at least as pleasing tricks that fascinate the French bored and do not yet know that besides JDD there are things that are called books. Now where was I? Ah yes. In short it all to arrive at the fact that in college right now is just the strike. But the strike
un peu moche, avec des réponses gouvernementales qui te donnent envie de te faire ligaturer les trompes tellement que t’as pas envie de faire subir ça à tes gosses qui ne sont pour l’instant qu’imaginaires et qui, à vue de nez, le resteront, mais qui dans leur petits corps fantasmagoriques, souffrent déjà le martyre. Si un jour ils passent de l’état de petites créatures parfaites et imaginaires à celui de bande morveux de chair qui crient sacrément fort, bah moi je dis que l’autre qui a pris ses mioches sous le bras et qui les a amenés élever des moutons en Lozère en leur faisant l’école à la maison il avait peut-être la solution. Dommage j’aime not too many sheep. School and less and less. Lozere bof too. Finally it is pretty, but what a vacation.
I digress a lot today I think.
All that to say that yesterday with a bunch of people I do not necessarily, and some that I find most respectable, we went as a bunch of assholes we are leftists, circling two hours during the Grand 'Place de Lyon, to say that yeah, it's alive, yeah that one would like that we see a little, and yeah we know that our future it looks like vomit on a pile of manure but it is said that Paris mushrooms that grow on manure and we have nothing against a little fried.
two hours under the sun, t-shirt, bellowing slogans funny, or remixes revolutionary Desireless and 2b3. The Ludwig von 88 were right: two hours to walk under the sun (ok, maybe no lead, no exaggeration) that you die a layabout student. QED, the revolution is not, then a gala dinner. Except that
glandeuse a student who has a pony-skin red, it'll take a sunburn in ten minutes. With a T-shirt Manchu, it gives you something filthy like "sunburn Sunday afternoon during the part of Petanque at the municipal campsite Ricard Marseillan Beach. I'm glad I'm a redneck revolution. I think I'm finally sentenced to not fornicate with guys who keep their socks.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bilirubin Level Is 1.3

... yes, but there are working. I already see Souen a fuss with a lot of arguments as wobbly what, she too works. We will not be fooled and it was not the subject. Not if it had been the subject, I should have put on the table the fact that the header is still awaiting salt dough once promised, it is very safe distance. But I would not do it, because I find it hard to motivate my team of editors Peruvian committed for the highly anticipated music video "the slaughterer".

back to our ponies. I insinuated by this that spend their day in Photoshop, do not m'insuffle desire to spend my evening too. What a loss to the world of art and visual culture, I know. But we must be realistic, yes, I'm just a man. A brilliant man and certainly gifted, but a man! Next week, if that confuses life with a colorful playground motivates me, it is possible that I start working for her.

Meanwhile, there are guys less than brilliant Souen and I who are working them. And sometimes, one of these illustrious strangers is hit by a flash of genius. Gender Yuksek ...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Length Of An Occular Migraine

... It's Alive!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Eating Red Meat To Increase Testorene

Be a pony, needs a wealthy

Being a pony, c 'is first to be renewed perpetually be on the lookout for any new trend, advancing faster than the music, be ahead of its time still more underground than the underground, constantly against the current. The friend Ketch

by example "by these days" and "gloom" (citations JT 20h TF1, France 2, France 3, Canal +, M6 past two weeks) to allow for to go against public opinion and feeling good French, a victim of outsourcing, de-industrialization, a victim of capitalism, comrades all together against the bosses! And while the workers have not claimed to body and cries for the return of Stalin, friend Ketch did something, and not least, it was found du boulot. Il se contrefout du qu’en dira-t-on, il trime pour gagner du fric qu’il va claquer sans vergogne dans des gadgets fabriqués par des enfants chinois diabétiques : c’est un rebelle, un vrai.

Pour ma part je ne saurais être aussi radicale que lui. Je ne peux me résoudre à demander à mes employeurs de me déclarer, au risque de devoir payer des impôts pour financer ces cons de chômeurs, ces cons d’étudiants, ces cons de vieux, ces cons de fonctionnaires, ces connes de notes de frais de l’Elysée.
Ma prise de partie se matérialise donc en ce moment par un embourgeoisement notoire de ma petite personne et de mes habitudes de vie. L’heure étant the glorification of the steward, I decided to move to the door to false vis-à-vis public opinion and to claim my status as affluent.
Because no, I do not call my banker to ask for an overdraft of spite but out of choice: I have to slam the money! No, I do not buy a new pair of Doc Martens to 109 € because the former are so experienced they have holes, not buy to spread my wealth. No, I'm not going to the pharmacy praying that my medicines are reimbursed by the safety, because if this is not the case in the crapper Health c’est tellement has-been, je préfère m’acheter des clopes !
Et si ma patronne me demande d’arriver une heure plus tôt au boulot je l’envoie paitre, il fait 21°, fait donc garder ton morpion par ta belle-doche moi j’ai un bronzage à entretenir. Je n'ai donc, pour résumer la situation de façon la plus exhaustive possible, strictement rien branlé de la journée, perdu quelques sous sur mon salaire et passé mon après-midi en tête-à-tête avec le soleil.
Soyons tendance mes enfants, choisissons l’oisiveté et la bourgeoisie sans le pognon, c’est tellement plus classe.

ps: the relevant quote of the day, coming out of the book I book in the sun today:
" But I work. I wake up every morning like everyone else, and then I try to try to live even a whole day. It is a full-time work. No coffee breaks, no weekends, no holidays or bonuses. I'm not complaining, mind you, but the pay is rather low. "
Paul Auster, Moon Palace .