Thursday, February 11, 2010

Best Brazilian Wax Michigan

Exchange Aromadélice

Me revoici comme promis avec le détail de l'échange avec Aromadé lice qui fut une avalanche de douceurs dont je me régale encore :)
L'ouverture du colis fut une explosion de senteurs pour mon petit nez. Ça fnouffait bon hiiii!

Voici ce que contenant le paquet surprise
- A bomb bath vanilla delight in the shape of Buddha: the great luxeeeeeeeeee!
- A madeleine massage "almond milk": ... mmm pure moment of decline, the worse it is not fattening and more ...:)
- Scrub sweet almond, shea and Monoi: wonderful texture and smell tasty ... oops it already has more ... huhu!
- Barre melting "pedicocoon" My toes are much appreciated! especially since I never take care of them ...
- Baume breathing: attention this balm is a drug-sniffing is allowed all day, there is never enough:)
- After shampoo "fig and brown sugar" hmmmmm my hair smells good too!
- Shampoo Malabar solid heart-shaped: time of intense regression, then the pink .....
- honey milk bath salts rosemary: too good, soft skin out of the bath!
- Bath Salts Green Tea: it feels so so good!
- Stick dream of lips very soft mouth warranty:)
- Shower Fondant vanilla and mint: a pure killing, mucha still want it too good. The smell stays on the skin most is my favorite.
- thousands Soaps: Soap Vincennes, Lolita Christmas soap, soap-day strike, lady Glagla soap, soap apple fairy soap, winter berries, citrus soap flames, halloween soap. All the more beautiful ones than the others, I have not tested all yet , the ones I tested are perfect, beautiful crema, aroma and color girly and soft skin at the exit. it's a winning combination:)

there was also raw, too cool! calendula flowers and incense Frankincense resin. A
gattage in good and due form! it is not just the mistinguette dippy!

and what's more, there were sweets, voui voui ...

elles n'ont pas fait long feu, j'ai vite fait les photos et je me suis ruée sur le chocolat qui est carrément delicious! et des caramels speculoos...c'est vraiment indécent mais tellement bon!

Alors vous en pensez quoi de ce colis? c'est de la balle hein! Elle s'est mis en 4 la miss! vraiment je suis époustouflée. Tout est soigné, tout sent bon et tout est beau! Tu es une cosméteuse d'exception ma caille!

Vous pouvez retrouvez ma participation chez la miss ^^

Je reviens soon to show you the egg package I received for Christmas from my DK Artimus
^ ^ Really, I was spoiled for Christmas!


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