Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How Much For A Sprained

Spray lengths and ends nourishing and detangling enhancers

After a short stay of three days in baths over-dosed with chlorine, me with hair of straw and horrible split ends. It's a good reason to put this blog afloat right?
So I made this spray can be used without washing my hair every day to feed that are in great need.

Makes about 100ml

- 69g HA lavender (soothing, calming beauty General)
- HV 10g castor sulfated (strengthens, accelerates the growth, softening)
- 5g olive HV (vitamin E, anti aging, nourishing)
- 5g HV hemp (emollient, firming hair beauty)
- 5g cider vinegar (gloss hair, adjustment of pH, toning)
- 5g vegetable glycerin (Emollient)
- 2g honey (Promotes hydration, healing, regenerating)
- 2g silk proteins (Moisture makes the hair soft and shiny, fabric softener, guard)
- 1,5g panthenol (Humectant, hydratant, augmente l'élasticité des cheveux)
- 15gt HE lavande (Calmant, cicatrisant, regenerant)
- 10gt HE citron (brillance des cheveux, stimulant général, régénérant, maintien de la jeunesse tissulaire)
- 5gt HE géranium (apaisant, cicatrisant, régénérant)
- 5gt HE ylang ylang ( Régénérateur cellulaire)
- Geoguard (conservateur écologique)
- Vit E
(évite le rancissement des HV, anti-oxydant)
- Fragrance (optional)

Procedure: To make this spray, simply mix the ingredients one by one and put in the container.

Directions: Apply to lengths and ends on damp hair after washing or dry hair daily. You can take the opportunity to untangle the hair, this spray makes brushing.

Coming Aromadélice of the package ^ ^ A bientot


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