Monday, November 29, 2010
Kavithai For Invitation
Today I saw the first ice down the river sous un beau soleil. N'y voyez pas de lien, c'est probablement qu'on a décidé de vider un peu les réservoirs des barrages pour faire place aux grosses pluies qu'on attend demain et mercredi. Du coup les bordures englacées des coins calmes ont décollé. Petite débâcle humaine.
Il a quand même fait froid ces derniers jours la terre est gelée, les poêles à bois chauffent dans mon coin. J'en aime toujours l'odeur parfois -- y-a t'il beau parfum que celui de l'écorce d'une bûche de merisier qui brûle ? C'est chose plus rare aujourd'hui. Les appareils plus performants brûlent des granules et ne semblent laisser sortir qu'une vague odeur de bois sur fond de tar. I even wonder if the more efficient appliances will let out a warm smoke that folds faster ground rather than dispersing into the hills. Nice topic for my friend microclimatopithèque. Good
my copies over there call me.
There are many.
Monday, November 15, 2010
How To Get Rid Of Odors On Shower Liner
A little late November of Cynics
There is this joke of two children who s'étrivent: gnan gnan your Mononc 'c'tun bandit! too bad yours c'tun Councillor!
more things change the more they stay the same.
I first listened to the radio series devoted to Cynics, beloved. Sure the implementation does not break bricks, but it's effective and, basically, we want to hear guys are excerpts from skits, what more? It as a plain cheese pizza. And I like pizza plain .
Faut dire que les Cyniques, c'est un des fondements de ma génération. Ados on écoutait les disques, assez pour les savoir par coeur mais jamais assez pour ne pas les réécouter. Leur humour n'a pas si mal vieilli, sauf peut être pour les thèmes religieux qui ne disent rien aux jeunes et quelques blagues de stéréotypes ethniques qu'on oserait plus faire de nos jour sous peine d'excommunication sociale. Les soutanes disparaissent mais les curés restent...
Peu de traces visuelles sur le web et rien de la célèbre Émission Impossible que j'écoutais religieusement un été de la late sixties. But still a treasure on You Tube: Bye Bye 1971 I still remember that skit in the real setting of newscast time, if you can call it a scene:
There is this joke of two children who s'étrivent: gnan gnan your Mononc 'c'tun bandit! too bad yours c'tun Councillor!
more things change the more they stay the same.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Bankers Life And Casualty Management Position
A bit of everything, yet another says
Just this ice late afternoon shows we are on borrowed time. As well enjoy it ...
Especially as winter makes me win the views of the city.
No I'm not lost in a time warp, but rather the time I fled. And I also leaking a bit these stacks of copies to be corrected. It was so nice these days ... Went for a ride to the swamp not far from us and even if he's nice and warm, the ice was still there.
Especially as winter makes me win the views of the city.
It is always better than nothing, but I have now to avoid distracting the invertebrate procrastinator I am. What I hasten not to do.
So I could get into a lengthy discussion about the supposed rise of the right in Quebec. There's a good record over in Le Devoir. But I think more like Foglia . At bottom, the right-hander has long suffered from all parties. But what amazes me is to see how despite the obvious failure of this policy of liberalization, privatization at all costs, we are still hoped to do more.
USA, deregulation started under Reagan, followed by Clinton and continued by Bush led directly to the financial crisis of 2008-2009. Besides the tax cuts Bush and his irresponsible deficits warriors have severely handicapped the mere ability of the American state to cope with this crisis that will last forever. It may simply worsen the zozos elected to Congress this year.
Canada does much better. Under the pretext of fighting the deficit, Harper prances to continue to dismantle the Canadian state which has reduced revenues and increased spending and military commitments. In Quebec, the Liberals (with or without Charest) will probably no other choice but to putasser right, left field being busy enough. Besides the insidious populist campaign Quebecor Media will continue to pollute the minds and policies to push tax cuts demagogic.
Not everything is perfect in Quebec. I see the bureaucratic institutions where I teach, legacy, certainly, sometimes too restrictive union rules but also oh so good governance policies. Faculties of administration scrambling to develop managers licensed, right and proper to them, which multiply the checks on behalf of the customer approach, the optimal allocation of resources or any other nonsense tends to HEC.
But I also see that the cheap child care, parental leave, a school system and affordable health care is expensive but it is appreciated when it is needed. I also note that the unemployment rate is lower here than in Ontario or the USA, which has never happened since it has statistics. This is not paradise. But it's something.
Saskatchewanians And if I were, I would think that privatizing Potash was not such a good idea, eventually.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Comments Inside Wedding Card
Since time I sought the words to write, no need now:
And if you think it will not happen in Quebec, you have a short memory or you do not read the Journal de Montreal.
"They keep saying that all presidents are called to order at these mid-term elections, except that the call to order could take the shape of a huge slap. But even more than the magnitude of the disallowance is his nature that really strikes.Is what I'm wrong? This is Obama himself that America is bent on deep hate, rather than its timid reforms. And Obama is not that the Black middle America hates. It's the nerd.course the crisis, of course unemployment. But above all the intellectual. This way of governing. This whole idea of intellectual lareprésentation in governance. No representation in the theatrical sense. For the purposes of mediation. Within the meaning of a democracy governed. As opposed to direct democracy, in direct contact with the people, sovereignty vociferates every five minutes through Glenn Beck, of Sarah Palin.Obama is not a populist president, not president of common sense. Obama will be planted today by popular resentment.And we are millions of small Judas this morning to deny Obama, laughing with others of the prince of the clouds as his giant wings prevent him from walking ... We are millions, left, of total bad faith, to grow the oil spill. Not that of BP, one of Palin, Beck, Michele Bachmann, Dick Armey, Jim DeMint, the tar, that black shit that is sweeping across America and to the mayor of Toronto. "ThankFoglia .
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