Since time I sought the words to write, no need now:
And if you think it will not happen in Quebec, you have a short memory or you do not read the Journal de Montreal.
"They keep saying that all presidents are called to order at these mid-term elections, except that the call to order could take the shape of a huge slap. But even more than the magnitude of the disallowance is his nature that really strikes.Is what I'm wrong? This is Obama himself that America is bent on deep hate, rather than its timid reforms. And Obama is not that the Black middle America hates. It's the nerd.course the crisis, of course unemployment. But above all the intellectual. This way of governing. This whole idea of intellectual lareprésentation in governance. No representation in the theatrical sense. For the purposes of mediation. Within the meaning of a democracy governed. As opposed to direct democracy, in direct contact with the people, sovereignty vociferates every five minutes through Glenn Beck, of Sarah Palin.Obama is not a populist president, not president of common sense. Obama will be planted today by popular resentment.And we are millions of small Judas this morning to deny Obama, laughing with others of the prince of the clouds as his giant wings prevent him from walking ... We are millions, left, of total bad faith, to grow the oil spill. Not that of BP, one of Palin, Beck, Michele Bachmann, Dick Armey, Jim DeMint, the tar, that black shit that is sweeping across America and to the mayor of Toronto. "ThankFoglia .
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