Friday, December 31, 2010

Cool Bandannas For Karate

Between two years

Depuis quatre jours, j’agonise sur mes piles de copies à corriger et tout est prétexte à la distraction. Il faut bien prendre l’air ! Et c’est tellement beau, une marche le long de la rivière, à regarder les glaces descendre, minuscules plaques que la tectonique du courant accumule en petits continents sur les berges. La ville est étrangement silencieuse. Quelques milliers d’étudiants en moins ça paraît dans ma cité universitaire. Il y aussi que les cols bleus étant en grève, les autos roulent sur la neige durcie plutôt than the usual slush of the streets well salted. Can not be comfortable for the motorist but pleasant to the ears of pedestrians.

On the last day of 2010, he made a sweet day, it melts and just as the sun breaks through. On the day lower, but not the sunset, the clouds came back. I do not really lane's Eve party tonight. I had my Christmas, happy to see so many people in so little time. I have the social or solitary new year by year. But it's never an ordinary day there's the magic number, this excitement that I felt by the grocery store.

I like to sacrifice traditions, to review the resolutions. 2010 was good for me. I was happy to see Gaspé, Quebec welcome too fast. I will return next year if it goes as planned. It's like the art of traveling with students and from this side, I have a safety as I've rarely been, always precarious, but expectations. My new course this fall has been hard, in an area where I was not comfortable, but the experience was beneficial and when I return to my old slippers this winter, with a taste for me to renew and dare de nouvelles choses.

Sur le plan plus personnel j’ai avancé. Réussi à arrêter de fumer quelques mois pour succomber sous le stress en novembre. J’arrête de nouveau dans quatre jours, les patches sont achetées. Je connais un nouveau piège. Et comme ma santé m’oblige à l’exercice, je compte bien essayer le taï chi cet hiver, paraît que c’est bon pour ce que j’ai. Je souhaite que ma mère aille mieux, elle qui a souffert un peu trop de ses 82 cette année. J’espère que son opération prochaine lui soit bénéfique.

Je suis sorti un peu plus de ma coquille cette année aussi découvert de nouveaux blogues que I love to read and he will comment more often. Known new people. Cocounage understood that the new owner or web has its advantages but also its limitations.

2011 arrives. A new canvas. Trying to put good things.

is what I wish us.

The image is from Nan which I mentioned here . Go see his drawings year, it's worth every TV show that will plague. Remember to be his friend ;-)

Monday, December 27, 2010

What Is Spanish For Welcome To The Church


There are a thousand ways to lose. To look elsewhere. I like that the recyclers that my friend Daniel showed me. Nothing new under the sun, just the job well done. Situationist talk of a hijacking. That's 50 years later. Uneven, but funny at times, wishing that my French readers to do the ear of a foreign accent ;-)

Friday, December 24, 2010

How To Connect Internet To Wii Fast

Happy holidays anyway

There are copies that I have not finished this series on the books, a large household. But I dive to the friends and family in Montreal glad to see them and share them with cipaille and fine wines.
So I only wish you that your celebrations are up to your expectations, that you have fun at and see family and friends goodbye.

And the inevitable song by the great Mahalia Jackson

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Cellular Respiration Ideas

A pearl

"Many are paralyzed airports and many flights were canceled, including France and Great Britain, which is on track for the month of December the coldest since 2010. "Pearl
found here. Yet. In the digital age, the beads are evanescent.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Banquet Decorating Ideas


Between two exams to write, on a day where One morning sweet, yellow and green becomes white and cold evening, I rework a text to come on the important books in my life.

Many come from the youth and some of them had a famous source (or smoking?). I am talking about the magazine Grip. It was the heyday of the cons-culture Kebek the time.

Trailer for a documentary alas unrealized Marc-André Brouillard (2005)

Babyboumeur the other side, I experienced the slow decline from the mid-1970s. I collected back issues sleeping in a box because it distracts me too much. There was this huge compendium that was the Quebec Directory tools planets (in the same box as the Whole Earth catalogs) and who opened many trails. And then everything else, homosexuality, pot, Pink Floyd, the return to nature. Wonderful utopias that annoy me sometimes today.

Maybe because that too many players have dropped Grip the pot and acid to harder drugs.

power and money.

PS Some numbers digitized Grip here (including the elusive number on the pot ;-))

Monday, December 6, 2010

Columbus Oh Body Wax For Men

Fifteen pounds : Early leafing

It falls the first real snow of winter. A fluffy snow, light and fluid that is almost fun to shovel. Opportunity to return to oneself.


There are some channels on the web we like to self-administer. Grand livrophage, I could not miss one of the fifteen books that struck me. The orders were 15 books in 15 minutes. I did it for the list, but I can not help to explain why these books struck me. It takes a while that I did not really end of the session but it keep me busy month of December. Here are the top three:

Laurentian The Flora Marie-Victorin.

I bought with my first paycheck of my first summer job. This is a technical book, a monument of botany in Quebec that allowed me to put a name on the plants around me. But it is also literature at times. Thus, describing the red maple Marie-Victorin flies:
"In the fall, carbohydrates whose tissue is saturated chlorophyll, anthocyanin and turn into brightly colored leaves red-purple. Our woods become incomparably beautiful. The pentes sourceuses des Laurentides et les forêts de la plaine alluviale forment des horizons sanglants où sur le vert profond des résineux s'ajoutent, chevauchent et se fondent les gammes infinies des teintes que le rouge a sur sa palette.»
 Avouez que ça étonne dans un livre scientifique...  Un très beau site en reprend le contenu. Et non, je n’ai pas acheté la nouvelle édition avec les photos couleur, la reclassification des espèces botaniques me déconcerte trop.

La Rage de Louis Hamelin

When I bought this book, the title suited my mood. I had to empty my desk at community radio, I was enraged against the scheming pseudo marketing guy who had put an end to what was after all one of the most beautiful times of my life (and radio, their failure was pathetic). I knew the book by reputation, the track suited me. I open the brick. The bed in one go, into the wee hours of the morning. I won a radio.

was the book I wanted to write. At first, I dropped my vague literary ambitions to return to my other passion, geography. I have often sung the praises of Louis here, met him sometimes, enough to know that it's a nice guy, very funny, curious and turned on. Many other writers have talent (hello Mistral!), But Louis touches me with a profound sense of territory that gladdens the heart of the geographer.

Walden by Henry David Thoreau.

It must be well Getting a Grip by an old I found this classic of American literature. Thoreau recounts a year spent in a small cabin on Walden Pond, somewhere not far from his village in Massachusetts. There is much in this book some more puritanical America but also seduced by the sensuality of nature and life in the woods.

I always brought teens when I went walking in the woods of Mont Saint-Bruno, quite recently national park. There was a small lake completely wild scarcely known people of the place. It is by imitation that I learned the joys of skinny dipping, to let me float in the warm layer of surface waters to avoid cold depths and also looking at the sky dreaming.

My Walden to me at Mont-Saint-Bruno

So much for today. I hesitate to add my list.
Know yet it ends in all the world atlas.
I think it surprised my friends ...