Saturday, May 30, 2009

Christina Aguilera Pasties Boobs

the Light of the Moon

Dans cette période de festivals inutiles en tout genre, vous imaginez bien que Souen et moi sommes très débordés. Je rentre à peine du festival de Cannes alors que Souen fait ses valises pour Rolland Garros. Le temps joue contre nous.
Pedro Almodovar, je peux vous le dire, est vraiment un gros boute-en-train, et à its share of jokes at once whoopee cushion, the rest of the festivities was a really obnoxious. Anyway, great power rests on good taste, and decumbent, forcing major responsibilities. Go

truce blabber, let up to the finished image a little hard because I really started to be bothered. Needless to say, you will not have close-up on the interesting parts of this work or you can see the influence of lsd on color selection of the artist.

Kind regards,

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Weird Discharge Like Rubber Cement

Nothing serves to wither, it must be dyed to perfection. A history of vomit

In this nice day Sunday, created by our Lord's fine to let us at least twenty four hours to sleep off in peace, your dear and loving supporng will teach you the art of rock and roll fused with the aesthetics of despair. The one in the other it works like a cigarette over coffee.
short, initial situation: you're dropped like shit done under false pretenses, you messed up the job interview of your life, you're twenty-five years and you're still virgins or other catastrophic situations that have a serious knack for putting you in a state of irreversible prostration. You whine your mother, you're sad, you do not want to be in this state but your brain does not let you choose and your upholstered pad of dirty tissues while listening to the songs of Nirvana's most desperate.
Good point: you listen to Nirvana. At this moment, when you understand that good music is rhythm to the sadness of your poor little heart was dying, you realize the one hand, that all is not lost and secondly you have to new fifteen years: you are returned the little creature who does not control his penis nor his lacrimal glands and listening nervously Marilyn Manson, dreaming of the end of the world. Be a teenager's second key, after the music. Because being a teenager, before being a little shit who has seen anything and nothing got it but who thinks himself the king of the world is above all the great philosophy of "fuck his mother the consequences." When the lunch his mother begins to emerge in your brain is that you can, you have to start phase two of the process management of despair, not to destroy because it is not possible, but for the live with panache.
Phase two is the action. The action because you know that spend the day in a fetal position before TF1 until it passes will do nothing move at all and, worse, you will understand that in addition to being sad you're pathetic. That means finding something to do to externalize. The first option is you screw up, but hey unless Mike Brant, no legend will be created around because your name remain rational, you are one. So let us be productive, creating the legend before creating the end. The second option is
rock'n'roll. And rock'n'roll music before, it is primarily physical shows the world how much you're stupid and decadent, how tu n’en as rien à foutre, à quel point au concours du plus con tu te classes dans le dans le top trois. Fais toi un tatouage où il y aurait écrit « fuck » quelque part, fait toi percer les parties génitales, ou teins toi les cheveux en orange à la veille d’oraux qui valideront ou non ton semestre, ou les trois à la fois. Ne demande son avis à personne, sauf si tu sais que cette personne abondera dans ton sens ou qu’elle te poussera plus loin.
Deux heures plus tard, tu douteras. C’est normal, ne panique pas. C’est le moment où il faut que tu assumes, c’est toujours un peu difficile, mais on s’en sort. Il te faut juste un point de vue extérieur qui par-dessus while others metamorphose your experience of rock'n'roll to make you an allegory of the absurd victory over evil with a capital letter. To do this I humbly advise you to run a theater, take your place for "Rocked" and spend two hours to hear you say that rock that's life. After that, you are sure that even if you ruined your life by making you tattooed "nictamère" on the forehead, thou hast done for good reasons.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Confidentiality Statements For Fax Cover Sheets

was an evening I was dead drunk, on a barge, with A. and other friends. I do not know how many liters of beer and I drank Morito, but it sways and it was not just the boat. So I pulled, I do not really know if I told, but I had to clear before becoming capable of. I drag myself over to the Guillotière Lafayette, it was that I knew the way by heart, I could put myself on autopilot to go to the bus stop, wait for the shuttle at night it brings me closer to home. I do not know what time it was but it was cold, the shuttle passed not before forty five minutes, it was the loose. I'm sitting at the window of an optician, and in this case, there was no march would have acted seat, just a metal bar on which you ask your behind, which intersects the perpendicular skate your ass and makes you take a treasure map because it makes a cross. But it hurt anyway. At one point I had to get up because not only my buttocks were sawn by a latitude never intended for this purpose, but I had to vomit. I turned the corner post, there was a red van and gigantic. I remember thinking that I was throwing up beside the van from Santa. So, I turned on my uncomfortable metal bar, I would die of cold, I was just delivered to me and I struggled against the urge to sleep there like a tramp. Then two guys are gone, they looked at me, they have a meter or two, earns back, asked me if I was not the end of their fry that remained of their McDonald's, and I have taken because I needed and it was a miracle on the order of fries as it landed out of nowhere, for waiting for my bus with me, to put some food in the belly, to say that humanity is not so disgusting and it happens that people are nice to you.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Historical Prices For Corporate Bonds

I Gein and I'll shit. Oh la la la

Dear world.

I know you have my life with so much greed that's exciting and it makes you squirm in your pants or your pants kangaroo who has more elastic so it is old, but right now it ' is a little loose. When you've got kind of exams, it is still the college since it has Interros, homework-houses, and yet the oral dose of work that accumulates on your back without too much you will make gaff still the same power of surprise on your little one. Suddenly you find yourself always amazed at your inability to not do things at the last minute.

So right now it's the last minute. At the point that instead of drinking cocktails with my friends I hit a dissertation of medieval literature. So it could have been funny, because at first I thought I had to work on a passage where they put the head of a dwarf in a hole for him to prove that the king has horse's ears. There was a story in equine, compared to Poniclub, I was thinking it might be nice. But I am a gourd and in fact I'm thinking about laying a confession with a hermit. More pony, so funny, but more so funny. In addition
tomorrow morning, instead of crust with Nutella, Coffee and Cleophas (my best friends) to Wakfu, I have to go to catch up from being a teacher who is not carrying out its strike and feel guilty. So he still wants us inculcate the zest of his transcendent knowledge. I wonder if you can complain to "look empêchage Wakfu guilt and hidden under the false airs of ethics".
Thus having the head in homework as a dwarf in a hole, I somatizes having hurt my right ankle, but I think this morning it was my left ankle pain. Small compensation, I can yell at the kids in abundance because I have an excuse, too much pressure you see, and suddenly they compliment me, "Swann, you're evil like a pirate. "HIiiiiiiiiii. Ah yes, I also think I lunch the stomach or intestines, I do not really know in what sense is this stuff to blow coffee, but that's okay, if I am an ulcer j ' have a friend who was bribed by candy wholesalers, we can fill the hole with nougat.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Shirts With Loose Tie

Je vous rassure de suite, je pense que se bandeau fait en catastrophe ne tiendra pas longtemps. En fait cela fait un moment que j’étais censé en faire un nouveau, mais malgré tous mes efforts, l’inspiration ne venait pas. Après moult cigarettes, cafés, et brainstorming avec l’amie Souen, j’ai décidé de poster cette daube.

Je tenais à expliquer mon geste. Et comme preuve de ma bonne foie, et pour vous prouvez que, oui des fois, je travaille un peu a la maison pour le plaisir, je vous offre le début d’une illustration. Prions pour qu’un jour je vous en offre la fin.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Best Brazilian Wax In The Detroit Area

Me, Myself and Franquin

I do not know if the image of GastonLagaffe sleeping in a cave made entirely of books you mentioned something, but personally, she always made me dream. First in a fairly unobtrusive, like a little fantasy or safe image. Then when I left to go and BTS remedial literacy education in college she began to become more present. I again had time to open books to discover a whole bunch of stories and texts, to understand everything that the universe consisted of trees cut down, reduced to de pâte, puis transformés en pages, puis reliés avec des couvertures plus ou moins laides que je ne connaitrai jamais. Voilà deux ans que la petite fantaisie de Franquin est devenu un but existentiel, qui me donne l’espoir de finir mes jours dans un igloo de bouquins tout à fait fascinants, tout à fait médiocres, tout à fait normaux ou tout à fait extraordinaires. J’ai découvert que c’était possible grâce à une librairie lyonnaise dont l’entrée est constituée d’une arcade entièrement fait de livres divers et variés qui a transposé une petite case dessinée en morceau de réalité. Et aujourd’hui, je m’approche du but puisque Mr. owner of the place I was hired as an intern. Aleluja.