Friday, March 4, 2011

Write Christmas Cards For Friends

Camille Lacourt plunges Clarins (video)

This summer, France fell under the spell of a tall blond with blue eyes and his cronies that won medals at the European Championships for Swimming. After the debacle of soccer players and their contemptuous attitude and negative, it was good to see a France that wins, friendly and smiling. Why am I talking about this beauty on a blog? No, I do not see a conversion in the sporting, even if it's one of my passions (well yeah beauty addict can be and make pizza night / football). If I speak to you today is of course because it is relevant to the topic that interests us: the beauty.

Mercredi soir, Clarins annonçait un partenariat avec Camille Lacourt, le nageur qui a fait craquer la France l’été dernier avec sa bogossitude, sa bonne humeur, sa gentillesse et aussi son franc-parler (c’est qu’il n’a pas la langue dans sa poche le Camille). Bien évidemment, en fan de sport (et de beaux gosses), je ne pouvais pas manquer ça. J’ai encore fait ma groupie d’ailleurs pour avoir ma photo avec lui. Je sais, ça fait jeune fille en délire, mais ça me fait marrer. Et maintenant, c’est devenu comme un défi, même si ça va être dur de battre ma photo avec Liv Tyler. Enfin revenons-en à nos moutons.

Wednesday evening, then at a small party, Christian Courtin, CEO of Clarins, announced a partnership between the brand and the swimmer. But while all the major cosmetics companies to sign all goes muses, Clarins goes further with this combination of a new kind. For Camille Lacourt will not be a mere muse. Of course, it will become the image of the range ClarinsMen but it goes much further. With his help, the brand will also develop products on topics that are dear to him and work on projects that take heart as also the environment and water protection. And especially at the end of his career, Camille Lacourt will join the company. A partnership that focuses on the future and therefore not one of those disposable associations that we see more and more. Moreover, the brand and the swimmer to have signed a long way together for at least 6 years. Engament a fairly rare in the world of cosmetics and a bet on the future no longer tied to a lightning strike at a personal level of economic development. It's quite refreshing to be emphasized.


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