Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What Is The Green Goop In My Cat's Eye?

The beauty of the red carpet of the Oscars

I love watching pictures of the Oscars, see who was dressed how, hairstyles of the actresses and their gorgeous gowns (and also laugh a bit of beauty and fashion faux pas). However, do not count on me to watch the ceremony itself. It is often long and boring. So I wake up late in general, I expect the next day to rave dreaming a little too tread the red carpet star trappings. So glamorous. This year, it amused me to make you a top beauty and flop actresses who have trod the red carpet that night. Because so many some are sublime, as we wonder how others may display such a bet.


Natalie Portman
So yes, I'm biased because I love this actress but she was truly sublime Sunday night. While some women are still a bit swollen and deformed par la grossesse (je ne citerais pas de nom, c’est mal), elle, est superbe. Sa coiffure, son maquillage, tout est juste. J’adore ses cheveux ondulés coiffés sur le côté et son maquillage naturel mais pas nude avec un regard légèrement souligné, une bouche de la bonne couleur et juste ce qu’il faut de blush pour lui donner bonne mine. La plus belle de la soirée, selon moi.

Mila Kunis
Je suis de parti pris là aussi parce que j’aime cette actrice depuis That’s 70’s Show. Mais avec son chignon rétro et son maquillage léger soulignant parfaitement ses jolis eyes she was perfect when it begins when a little in the men's red carpet. Some old road could not be said.

Scarlett Johansson
A square corrugated super sexy (at least on it), I can only agree. Ok, it does not necessarily very red carpet, not chic-Issime, but it is fair. And the wild side a bit, it's so Scarlett. Small flat still for the make-up: I'm not a fan of her eye shadow and her eye makeup. But on her, it happens.

Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelle Cate Blanchett, is an invented word that seems to eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelle ... Ok, I get carried away. Okay, her hair and her make-up does not break bricks. But it is beautiful. It does not fall into the trap of doing too much but in fact still enough to be radiant.

Florence Welch
I have no idea what was Florence Welch on the red carpet at the Oscars but for a beginner, successful entry. I love her hair color, his fringe and its undulations. However, the review will take a little makeup, un rien fade (mais bon, c’est compliqué quand on est rousse), et travailler aussi la pose red carpet. Un joli sourire c’est quand même plus sympa que l’œil torve. Donc attention Florence, t'as failli te trouver dans la catégorie en dessous.

J’hésité : Réussi ou raté ?

Michelle Williams
En grande fan de Dawson, je suis une admiratrice de Michelle Williams, forcément, que je trouve très belle. Mais je ne suis pas fan de sa coupe Jean Seberg. Ok, elle est encensée dans les magazines féminins, mais moi je la préfère avec ses cheveux longs et ondulés. She could yet be in the tops, because she is still beautiful and I like her eye makeup but I'm stuck a little on her lipstick, the color is weird and not necessarily becoming.

Anne Hathaway
Again, I find that sublime actress. Beauty is a bland, full of spice. But there is something wrong. The makeup is ok, this lipstick crimson highlights its beautiful mouth and huge smile to Julia Roberts. In addition, she chose the mat, so hype. That may be the wrong hairstyle. This bun is a bit old retro but not in the right direction, towards old granny.

Penélope Cruz
Well, Penelope, need to talk. Must turn your hairdresser. Because these blonde highlights in your hair brown, it's just not possible. Ok, for the effect of sunburn but with a little more nuance. There is so 90s. But I forgive you because i love you and that between diapers and bottles, you do not it make you primp.

The Flops

Sharon Stone
Oh, my God, Sharon, what's that sauerkraut giant! It looks like Cruella! And the makeup that ages you and you harden the lines. I say no, no way.

Reese Witherspoon
Again, the barber was just let go! This domed pony tail a bit antiquated, it's just not possible. Too bad because the makeup was rather successful.

Hilary Swank
New ravaging the hairdresser over the bun. This front totally clear, I do not think it's befitting hyper on Hilary Swank. And it lacks a bit of blush on her makeup is nude too, too flat, too monochrome, it does not highlight the features.

Gwyneth Paltrow
If some do too much hair issue, others are not doing enough. This plain wand, I do not like. It's flat. I preferred Gwyneth with her pretty square, it was sexier.

Nicole Kidman
Um, um, what's that weird fringe that falls softly and ugly before the eyes. Without being nasty, Nicole you were so much more beautiful before, in flamboyant redhead who had not abused botox.

Jennifer Hudson
Nevermind bun very soap opera. But what's that chest? I feel assaulted. Turn stylist and hairdresser there because he has not really done their job.

Obviously, this is only my humble opinion. At least they all made a small effort to be glamorous (except that sometimes the good American design or the most glamorous Hollywood is a little weird). An effort that does not necessarily make for the French Cesar. Some were beautiful, but others, it seems they would just buy their bread. Oh la la, where is our legendary elegance?


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