Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Ari Gold Paintball Gun Season 6?

Life is cool, mine more than yours.

populace Dear, dear readers who loved it to see the stamps Poniclub remain idle for nearly two months, we owe you an explanation.

Actually, no one owes you anything, but it makes me a good introduction to get back to you lay uninteresting stuff. So it was a summer vacation and it had something else to fuck, like go swimming at the beach a nightmare for the future, kiss day and night, eating cake or rice milk instead're struggling to laugh both peeled and the three-haired who deign to visit us again. Two, it was like we had an editorial line. Except that the editorial line that goes five minutes, but in real life is boring, castrating it, and if you want to tell stories of vomit in the middle of stories of terrorism it becomes complex. I say that the editorial line is for people who have nothing else to say that they are confined to say (this phrase was sponsored by the Association of empty aphorisms of France and Navarre). And I want to be confined malgré mon affection pour les rizières (pour ceux qui on pas compris la blague, relire la phrase précédente en remplaçant «cantonnée» par «cantonais». Ah et oui, pardon pour cette vanne miteuse.).

Présentement, j’ai tout un tas de choses à raconter malheureusement, ma flemme est proportionnelle au nombre d’inepties que j’ai dans mon chapeau.
Je vais me contenter de vous dire que je travaille actuellement pour une grande chaine de fast food américaine, non pas celle à laquelle vous pensez, et qui emploie des méthodes communistes, voire goulagistes pour augmenter notre productivité. Par exemple, pendant que vous passez la serpillère, des speakers arranged in all parts of the store, you can not avoid spreading what you love your job: "Thank you boss" , the Chariot.
Yes, like the Communists, thank our great leader because clean the shit from others is cool.

Love on you and your bosses kids.


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