Friday, December 31, 2010

Cool Bandannas For Karate

Between two years

Depuis quatre jours, j’agonise sur mes piles de copies à corriger et tout est prétexte à la distraction. Il faut bien prendre l’air ! Et c’est tellement beau, une marche le long de la rivière, à regarder les glaces descendre, minuscules plaques que la tectonique du courant accumule en petits continents sur les berges. La ville est étrangement silencieuse. Quelques milliers d’étudiants en moins ça paraît dans ma cité universitaire. Il y aussi que les cols bleus étant en grève, les autos roulent sur la neige durcie plutôt than the usual slush of the streets well salted. Can not be comfortable for the motorist but pleasant to the ears of pedestrians.

On the last day of 2010, he made a sweet day, it melts and just as the sun breaks through. On the day lower, but not the sunset, the clouds came back. I do not really lane's Eve party tonight. I had my Christmas, happy to see so many people in so little time. I have the social or solitary new year by year. But it's never an ordinary day there's the magic number, this excitement that I felt by the grocery store.

I like to sacrifice traditions, to review the resolutions. 2010 was good for me. I was happy to see Gaspé, Quebec welcome too fast. I will return next year if it goes as planned. It's like the art of traveling with students and from this side, I have a safety as I've rarely been, always precarious, but expectations. My new course this fall has been hard, in an area where I was not comfortable, but the experience was beneficial and when I return to my old slippers this winter, with a taste for me to renew and dare de nouvelles choses.

Sur le plan plus personnel j’ai avancé. Réussi à arrêter de fumer quelques mois pour succomber sous le stress en novembre. J’arrête de nouveau dans quatre jours, les patches sont achetées. Je connais un nouveau piège. Et comme ma santé m’oblige à l’exercice, je compte bien essayer le taï chi cet hiver, paraît que c’est bon pour ce que j’ai. Je souhaite que ma mère aille mieux, elle qui a souffert un peu trop de ses 82 cette année. J’espère que son opération prochaine lui soit bénéfique.

Je suis sorti un peu plus de ma coquille cette année aussi découvert de nouveaux blogues que I love to read and he will comment more often. Known new people. Cocounage understood that the new owner or web has its advantages but also its limitations.

2011 arrives. A new canvas. Trying to put good things.

is what I wish us.

The image is from Nan which I mentioned here . Go see his drawings year, it's worth every TV show that will plague. Remember to be his friend ;-)

Monday, December 27, 2010

What Is Spanish For Welcome To The Church


There are a thousand ways to lose. To look elsewhere. I like that the recyclers that my friend Daniel showed me. Nothing new under the sun, just the job well done. Situationist talk of a hijacking. That's 50 years later. Uneven, but funny at times, wishing that my French readers to do the ear of a foreign accent ;-)

Friday, December 24, 2010

How To Connect Internet To Wii Fast

Happy holidays anyway

There are copies that I have not finished this series on the books, a large household. But I dive to the friends and family in Montreal glad to see them and share them with cipaille and fine wines.
So I only wish you that your celebrations are up to your expectations, that you have fun at and see family and friends goodbye.

And the inevitable song by the great Mahalia Jackson

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Cellular Respiration Ideas

A pearl

"Many are paralyzed airports and many flights were canceled, including France and Great Britain, which is on track for the month of December the coldest since 2010. "Pearl
found here. Yet. In the digital age, the beads are evanescent.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Banquet Decorating Ideas


Between two exams to write, on a day where One morning sweet, yellow and green becomes white and cold evening, I rework a text to come on the important books in my life.

Many come from the youth and some of them had a famous source (or smoking?). I am talking about the magazine Grip. It was the heyday of the cons-culture Kebek the time.

Trailer for a documentary alas unrealized Marc-André Brouillard (2005)

Babyboumeur the other side, I experienced the slow decline from the mid-1970s. I collected back issues sleeping in a box because it distracts me too much. There was this huge compendium that was the Quebec Directory tools planets (in the same box as the Whole Earth catalogs) and who opened many trails. And then everything else, homosexuality, pot, Pink Floyd, the return to nature. Wonderful utopias that annoy me sometimes today.

Maybe because that too many players have dropped Grip the pot and acid to harder drugs.

power and money.

PS Some numbers digitized Grip here (including the elusive number on the pot ;-))

Monday, December 6, 2010

Columbus Oh Body Wax For Men

Fifteen pounds : Early leafing

It falls the first real snow of winter. A fluffy snow, light and fluid that is almost fun to shovel. Opportunity to return to oneself.


There are some channels on the web we like to self-administer. Grand livrophage, I could not miss one of the fifteen books that struck me. The orders were 15 books in 15 minutes. I did it for the list, but I can not help to explain why these books struck me. It takes a while that I did not really end of the session but it keep me busy month of December. Here are the top three:

Laurentian The Flora Marie-Victorin.

I bought with my first paycheck of my first summer job. This is a technical book, a monument of botany in Quebec that allowed me to put a name on the plants around me. But it is also literature at times. Thus, describing the red maple Marie-Victorin flies:
"In the fall, carbohydrates whose tissue is saturated chlorophyll, anthocyanin and turn into brightly colored leaves red-purple. Our woods become incomparably beautiful. The pentes sourceuses des Laurentides et les forêts de la plaine alluviale forment des horizons sanglants où sur le vert profond des résineux s'ajoutent, chevauchent et se fondent les gammes infinies des teintes que le rouge a sur sa palette.»
 Avouez que ça étonne dans un livre scientifique...  Un très beau site en reprend le contenu. Et non, je n’ai pas acheté la nouvelle édition avec les photos couleur, la reclassification des espèces botaniques me déconcerte trop.

La Rage de Louis Hamelin

When I bought this book, the title suited my mood. I had to empty my desk at community radio, I was enraged against the scheming pseudo marketing guy who had put an end to what was after all one of the most beautiful times of my life (and radio, their failure was pathetic). I knew the book by reputation, the track suited me. I open the brick. The bed in one go, into the wee hours of the morning. I won a radio.

was the book I wanted to write. At first, I dropped my vague literary ambitions to return to my other passion, geography. I have often sung the praises of Louis here, met him sometimes, enough to know that it's a nice guy, very funny, curious and turned on. Many other writers have talent (hello Mistral!), But Louis touches me with a profound sense of territory that gladdens the heart of the geographer.

Walden by Henry David Thoreau.

It must be well Getting a Grip by an old I found this classic of American literature. Thoreau recounts a year spent in a small cabin on Walden Pond, somewhere not far from his village in Massachusetts. There is much in this book some more puritanical America but also seduced by the sensuality of nature and life in the woods.

I always brought teens when I went walking in the woods of Mont Saint-Bruno, quite recently national park. There was a small lake completely wild scarcely known people of the place. It is by imitation that I learned the joys of skinny dipping, to let me float in the warm layer of surface waters to avoid cold depths and also looking at the sky dreaming.

My Walden to me at Mont-Saint-Bruno

So much for today. I hesitate to add my list.
Know yet it ends in all the world atlas.
I think it surprised my friends ...

Monday, November 29, 2010

Kavithai For Invitation

Today I saw the first ice down the river sous un beau soleil.  N'y voyez pas de lien, c'est probablement qu'on a décidé de vider un peu les réservoirs des barrages pour faire place aux grosses pluies qu'on attend demain et mercredi. Du coup les bordures englacées des coins calmes ont décollé. Petite débâcle humaine.

Il a quand même fait froid ces derniers jours la terre est gelée, les poêles à bois chauffent dans mon coin. J'en aime toujours l'odeur parfois -- y-a t'il beau parfum que celui de l'écorce d'une bûche de merisier qui brûle ? C'est chose plus rare aujourd'hui. Les appareils plus performants brûlent des granules et ne semblent laisser sortir qu'une vague odeur de bois sur fond de tar. I even wonder if the more efficient appliances will let out a warm smoke that folds faster ground rather than dispersing into the hills. Nice topic for my friend microclimatopithèque. Good

my copies over there call me.

There are many.

Monday, November 15, 2010

How To Get Rid Of Odors On Shower Liner

A little late November of Cynics

I first listened to the radio series devoted to Cynics, beloved. Sure the implementation does not break bricks, but it's effective and, basically, we want to hear guys are excerpts from skits, what more? It as a plain cheese pizza. And I like pizza plain . 

Faut dire que les Cyniques, c'est un des fondements de ma génération. Ados on écoutait les disques, assez pour les savoir par coeur mais jamais assez pour ne pas les réécouter. Leur humour n'a pas si mal vieilli, sauf peut être pour les thèmes religieux qui ne disent rien aux jeunes et quelques blagues de stéréotypes ethniques qu'on oserait plus faire de nos jour sous peine d'excommunication sociale. Les soutanes disparaissent mais les curés restent...

Peu de traces visuelles sur le web et rien de la célèbre Émission Impossible que j'écoutais religieusement un été de la late sixties. But still a treasure on You Tube: Bye Bye 1971 I still remember that skit in the real setting of newscast time, if you can call it a scene:

There is this joke of two children who s'étrivent: gnan gnan your Mononc 'c'tun bandit! too bad yours c'tun Councillor!

more things change the more they stay the same.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Bankers Life And Casualty Management Position

A bit of everything, yet another says

No I'm not lost in a time warp, but rather the time I fled. And I also leaking a bit these stacks of copies to be corrected. It was so nice these days ... Went for a ride to the swamp not far from us and even if he's nice and warm, the ice was still there.

Just this ice late afternoon shows we are on borrowed time. As well enjoy it ...
Especially as winter makes me win the views of the city.

It is always better than nothing, but I have now to avoid distracting the invertebrate procrastinator I am. What I hasten not to do.


So I could get into a lengthy discussion about the supposed rise of the right in Quebec. There's a good record over in Le Devoir. But I think more like Foglia . At bottom, the right-hander has long suffered from all parties. But what amazes me is to see how despite the obvious failure of this policy of liberalization, privatization at all costs, we are still hoped to do more.

USA, deregulation started under Reagan, followed by Clinton and continued by Bush led directly to the financial crisis of 2008-2009. Besides the tax cuts Bush and his irresponsible deficits warriors have severely handicapped the mere ability of the American state to cope with this crisis that will last forever. It may simply worsen the zozos elected to Congress this year.

Canada does much better. Under the pretext of fighting the deficit, Harper prances to continue to dismantle the Canadian state which has reduced revenues and increased spending and military commitments. In Quebec, the Liberals (with or without Charest) will probably no other choice but to putasser right, left field being busy enough. Besides the insidious populist campaign Quebecor Media will continue to pollute the minds and policies to push tax cuts demagogic.

Not everything is perfect in Quebec. I see the bureaucratic institutions where I teach, legacy, certainly, sometimes too restrictive union rules but also oh so good governance policies. Faculties of administration scrambling to develop managers licensed, right and proper to them, which multiply the checks on behalf of the customer approach, the optimal allocation of resources or any other nonsense tends to HEC.

But I also see that the cheap child care, parental leave, a school system and affordable health care is expensive but it is appreciated when it is needed. I also note that the unemployment rate is lower here than in Ontario or the USA, which has never happened since it has statistics. This is not paradise. But it's something.

Saskatchewanians And if I were, I would think that privatizing Potash was not such a good idea, eventually.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Comments Inside Wedding Card

Since time I sought the words to write, no need now:

"They keep saying that all presidents are called to order at these mid-term elections, except that the call to order could take the shape of a huge slap. But even more than the magnitude of the disallowance is his nature that really strikes.
Is what I'm wrong? This is Obama himself that America is bent on deep hate, rather than its timid reforms. And Obama is not that the Black middle America hates. It's the nerd.
course the crisis, of course unemployment. But above all the intellectual. This way of governing. This whole idea of intellectual lareprésentation in governance. No representation in the theatrical sense. For the purposes of mediation. Within the meaning of a democracy governed. As opposed to direct democracy, in direct contact with the people, sovereignty vociferates every five minutes through Glenn Beck, of Sarah Palin.
Obama is not a populist president, not president of common sense. Obama will be planted today by popular resentment.
And we are millions of small Judas this morning to deny Obama, laughing with others of the prince of the clouds as his giant wings prevent him from walking ... We are millions, left, of total bad faith, to grow the oil spill. Not that of BP, one of Palin, Beck, Michele Bachmann, Dick Armey, Jim DeMint, the tar, that black shit that is sweeping across America and to the mayor of Toronto. "Thank
And if you think it will not happen in Quebec, you have a short memory or you do not read the Journal de Montreal.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Why Are People Posting Numbers Ob Facebook

Souvenances referendum

This morning there was a whiteout of snow on roofs. Is melted under a gray sky. That Tonight it rained and the rain FLAKES quietly. The weather talking about a few centimeters to come, winter is coming winter is here.

I remember suddenly that he had arrived 15 years ago in the aftermath of a referendum. To calm the spirits. Needless to say that the media mania anniversaries gratifies us analyzes circumstances qu'épicent a pseudo umpteenth crisis between PQ hurry or realistic. Those who read me a long time know that I am a sovereignist conclusion. Convinced that Canada's political institutions are irreformable; convinced that it is also necessary to survival of my French culture of America that is embodied in an independent state integrated continent. For the rest, it is being discussed among serious people.

I am a little tired that every time a nationalist expressed hurry we come to question the legitimacy of the leadership of the PQ. Common sense screams, however, that any future referendum on the matter should be winning and not by much. It is enough to expect a good old Canadian blunder to help the cause. But the media like that kind of story, which arouses suspicion although Quebec radicals. We know from another Oct. 40 years ago, that fear is an old weapon of the Federals. They play beautifully long. PQ also demonize and destabilize its Head (which I dislike) is always fair game.

It helps to forget that the poodle-in-chief of the province is disowned by his city even .

Friday, October 22, 2010

Unsecured Debt Default

First snow,,,

few small flakes of the garden covered with maple leaves ...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

You Tuve Pati Manterola

Lie, lie, there will always be something. I thought it was Voltaire, but seems whether instead of Goebbels. I did not think the lie was so effective. Here is a chart that runs a lot on the web. It measures actual distribution of wealth, perceived and desired in the U.S.:

Article shows somme toute que les américains, de droite comme de gauche, souhaitent une distribution des richesses* très sociale démocrate à la suédoise et s’imaginent vivre dans une telle société.

Force est de constater que ce n’est pas le cas. Mais personne ne leur dit. Serait-ce que les médias mentent ? Je ne crois pas. Ils sont trop affairés aux mineurs chiliens ou aux caprices des sportifs pour se faire une idée.

*Dans cette étude on ne définit pas ce qu’est la richesse (wealth) épargne?  revenus ? Les proportions me font tendre vers l’épargne, si c’était income, seems to me that there was revolution. Although I doubt the average reader of the Journal de Montréal is, after all happy to see the final cut PKP paying jobs of his empire. It is well known: a well-paid union is richer than a frame or freelancer who is twice his salary.

Monday, October 11, 2010

What Can I Charge For A Licensed Daycare

Thanksgiving Marathon

funny name for the moment that marks the end of summer and the beginning of another. Harvest Festival, an opportunity to enjoy the great summer and life is going. Last break before the race of the season. For my part, the leave was bienvenu. Le voyage en Gaspésie s'est bien passé. mais disons que le retour en classe était rapide,  d'autant que le masochiste que je suis s'était ajouté une réunion à Montréal vendredi dernier. J'en ai profité saluer ma mère qui se fera opérer bientôt pour en finir avec un des milles problèmes de son âge. Le reste de la famille va bien, mais c'est tristounet de voir notre mère diminuée. 


Après ma réunion suis allé faire un saut à l'exposition d'Otto Dix au Musée des Beaux-Arts.   Tableaux étranges and morbid of a man who has experienced the trenches of the war of 14-18, Germany twisted the 1920s, eventually censured by the Nazis and sentenced to landscapes. His paintings are indeed strange, and often falsely naive horrible.

Several works of Ten will be destroyed by the Nazis on behalf of degenerate art. Reading in the exhibit few words on art by Hitler, he seemed to hear the voice of Radio X, American Tea Party or your favorite demagogue. Stupidity is not dead.


Too dark for about a beautiful fall day. I went for a stroll on the river, still a little muddy floods last week. I looked at the long ride of a great blue heron fishing. The precise gestures, stereotyped the lookout, the speed of the attack, the greed of swallowing and finally the slow heavy flight of a majestic.

Tien me here to make Hamelin. Normal, his book is too good ...

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Average Male Triglyceride

My bags are packed, I sometimes go in the Gaspé, this time with loads of kids and a school bus because of luxury are all rented since May. I also have to move my classes, correct work, swallowing up the miles. I bring with me The constellation Lynx Louis Hamelin I savored in small bites. That seems the general ledger awaited Rabies.

Two songs in mind for this first trip that old classic:

And the unofficial drinking song of all that is east of Quebec

Beautiful song to sing in chorus in a yellow bus ...

Sunday, September 26, 2010

First Aid Current Event Articles 2010


I just saw one after the two specials that Radio-Canada launched on the occasion of the 40th of October Crisis. Good tv well done, with just enough surprises to be aware of the naivety of the era. Enough also to understand that we are manipulated. The cops knew more than we thought at that time. Laporte that died accidentally, sacrificed in the name of higher interests of the Cause. Independence may be, Federalist surely.


I was 12 in October 1970. To put me away for too large and turbulent new multipurpose my suburb, my parents put a boarder at the same college for my father. The famous Seminary of St. Hyacinthe had itself become bankrupt college like most of his colleagues. I was in first year of high school, dropped in a more rural residents from the rich surrounding parishes.

I was bored friends and cronies and also the big press that I used to read back from school. I found a trick to read my newspaper. As the college building was an orphan, he shared the premises of the seminary. And the library was open in the evening. So I went there to read newspapers after dinner, under the watchful eye of librarians, our priests who forgot to ban the practice.

That's when I read that something was happening was the FLQ kidnapped a British diplomat. Ti ass that I do not understand much, but enough to that was serious. I impressed my colleagues with reporting news. Probably all wrong also because my brain was still 12 years proudly Canadian and impressed by Trudeau. What these villains FLQ! (Be the nephew of Dr. Ferron and a good history lesson for me to change my opinion two years later)

I remember then the following weekend, I listened to my transistor radio (same as Mafalda!) connected to CKAC. I liked the show of Michel Desrochers Saturday. Needless to say that the programming was regularly upset by the news, the station serving the FLQ mailbox. That's where I learned the Department removal of Laporte, info immediately forwarded to my father who knew him well. It's like
become heavier.

And the week after the seminar, the atmosphere was feverish. One felt that it was boiling in the wings of the college. On our side, even the big five had high ambitions and talked politics. Our priests and our teachers, mostly secular, were nervous, too. On Friday, the day after the law on war measures, I still see the priest in charge of student life in the big room next study that we had to evacuate calmly, row by row. Under the old ball-to-wall of the seminar, we learned that there had been bomb threats at college.

Upon returning home Friday, we saw the lines of military trucks that were going to Quebec. Then on Saturday strange radio. Nothing happens. And the next day, the death of Laporte. The October crisis was over. They die after.
But this time everything was said.


Much has been spoken since. Enough to know that all this is suspicious. That in this story, be vaguely conspiratorial and see a gross Federal unfortunately show lucidity. Regardless of whether this strategy will have backfired. Be added then the 1980 referendum, the constitution imposed on Quebec in 1982, cheating in the 1995 referendum, the circus ensuing sponsorship. Lies.


In March 1970 Pauline Julien sang and read poetry.

We will stop and will be in jail for nothing with another 500 in October 1970. Mere crime of opinion, we already knew the kidnappers, he was terrorizing the terrorists (!)

are offended to see a Canadian media say that Quebec is the province's most corrupt country. So what?

It may be normal in a country has never been a lie.

Talk to Native Americans living there.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Alpha Kappa Alpha Chapter Zeta Upsilon


It seems that at this time of year, everything happens faster. What! twelve days to write here? Halloween gadgets already in stores? Already four weeks in college? Already the leaves turn yellow and fall (fortunately, this is the Ashes)?

I'm in the garden, it is almost 18h 30. Image 014

Here also seen by the mini-cam on my laptop. He quietly stripped. Annuals are fit, but there are only a few phlox, coneflowers and asters of starting. And in an hour, it will dark the sun will set, already.

I'm getting used to quietly stop smoking cigarettes but it's hard at times. Fortunately, I have a loyalty program outstanding (in addition to patches ): Sempé's albums. I always liked his drawings where the tiny alongside the grandiose, his cheek look at the everyday things and people. It does not make me laugh, smile often and always dreaming.

only flaw albums are expensive: a week of each cigarette. Ten days without tobacco for the first, found at the Librairie Pantoute during my too short stay at City Labeaume (ie Quebec).


Ten days without tobacco is not cher payé pour regarder cet album de couvertures du New Yorker. Les dessins, pleine page et en couleur ne veulent que rarement être drôles, ils sont des moments.


Me voici donc en quête de tous les albums de Sempé. J’ai d’ailleurs passé une journée complète à razzier les librairies de neuf ou d’usagé entre le Plateau et l’UQAM pour me rendre compte que c’est chose rare à Montréal. On peut toujours commander mais…

Ce que j’ai fait chez mes libraires locaux. Six à huit semaines de délai. C’est que le libraire commande à Socadis, filiale locale de Gallimard, which sends to her mother's Parisian Sodis (Gall. ditto), which sends it on the next boat.

As in colonial times, but more regular.

But I'm smart, I know Abebooks, used bookstores that I like (although I just learned that he was eaten by Amazon two years ago). I found three albums really cheap at a bookstore-on-Nowhere Nowhere (Maine et Loire). I have just received. Three weeks after ordering. This surprised me because the trader had used a postal rate mythical special cultural export drive be admitted to the Post Office itself, so rarely fast. And probably by sea.

Two command structures, one and two transport speeds.

There is a story in there. But it is not clear.

I think would love Sempé.

The images are album Sempé New York

Monday, August 30, 2010

Calories In White Brocali Pizza

Some new

For two hours, I wrote directly to Blogger a nice long text that my hands were full of inches evaporate in cyber space and I could retrieve only records that Blogger automatically before the vacuum remained. That'll teach me not to go through a word processor before writing here ... Some new

anyway before going to bed. The return last week went well, even though my birthday was a bit lost in the frenzy of the period. Is that giving a new course in an area we know less well (quantitative methods) requires a lot of preparation and concentration, otherwise you become more nervous and lost more than students. As they themselves are still traumatized by their arrival in college and the math aspect of it, it becomes even difficult to decipher their reactions. It goes better this week.

For the rest, this was hanging on. He is 30 now and the St. Francis River is an air of rio Mexico lost in gravel bars.

plaindera We can not get it.

*** In the series there are singers you love and that has too often forgotten here is one which I resouvenu this summer

that would make a nice mix with his only hit:

And this one for the road (not the song beautiful that I have not found)

Thereupon I'm going to sleep ...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


SWAP "The Earth and its treasures" Roller

I'm back, with a sneak preview ......... no kidding, you must have already seen in many blogs, I am late for you this swap, but the important thing is that it happens anyway:)
Nansou We therefore concocted a wonderful swap the theme "The Earth and its treasures "and whose interpretations of the participants have been demonstrated and various symbols. A magnificent array of images more beautiful than another.

I have not had time to test everything, my stock of soap being important .... is the big dilemma in the bathroom .... but I guess it's the same for everyone no?

Bichon: Soap "birth of a nugget"

A soap finesse that goes back to the source of the nugget of gold.

Boube: Soap lush "pulpedelik" and a soothing tea bath

What is pampered avec des trésors lushesques

Cece: un sachet de plants de tomates (nourriture du corps), un baume primavera (nourriture de la peau), une bougie parfumée pour un voeu (nourriture de l'âme), des gourmandises aux rice krispies faites avec le cœur ( nourriture de l'amitié)

Une magnifique interprétation de ce thème qui touche au cœur, une participation à l'image de notre Cece, plein de douceur et de sagesse.
Les gâteaux ont été engloutis sitôt la photo prise, je viens de terminer le baume qui est un regal pour la peau, je veux bien la recette d'ailleurs :)

Gwen: Savon "Rose miellée" et un fondant de douche lacté cœur "miel rosée"

Gwen a magnifiquement mis à l'honneur les abeilles et la rose. Je n'ai teste que le fondant pour le moment et c'est un regal :)
Ahhh les abeilles , elles sont de plus en plus menacé les pov pitites ,(on est mal barré.....)

Mystic: Savon et bougie "Fossile"

Mystic has set the bar very high with this duo fossil, soap and candle. The label is sublime), the candle flickers flakes when turned on, a feast for the eyes!

Nanou: Soap "Treasury I abuse"

A treasure worthy of the greatest villains of the sea, with an intoxicating smell synergy: He ylang ylang, frankincense , mandarin and sweet orange ... something to die for:)

Nansou: Soap the mineral world, soap plant world and animal world of soap

Nansou never does things by halves, she sees the big picture, a soap for each kingdom of nature: animal, vegetable and mineral. A magnificent interpretation of the theme, I am madly in the aesthetics of the plant and animal is very classy as a result:)

Ninie: Soap "black gold nuggets and "

Warning !!!!!!!!! it dazzles the eye in every direction! package worthy of a pro:) it throws! soap and shining gold, it's a royal soap:)

Pots: Soap "Seed alert"

Pots imagined very delicate soap that tells us the awakening of a seed, it is poetic and gentle with a smell to fall! and references! I must have!

and my participation: soap "legend Taj Mahal

Photo stolen from Cece:)

I chose to focus on India that makes me dream about her last time, I had the idea before attempting this swap to make a tribute to the soap in India, with orange a bit of a buffer Buddha and Ganesh with ingredients of low sprinkled with patchouli off course! When I came across this swap the land and its treasures, this idea has come back but in a quite different version. I wanted to connect the Earth with the cosmetic materials of the bottom produced in India, the architectural treasures with the monument "Taj Mahal", one of the 7 wonders of the world's cultural treasures associated with the legend of his birth.

I would return soon with the article on this soap, there will be a surprise in more ^ ^