Monday, February 28, 2011

Diagram How To Contour Your Face

Taaj: when India is invited in our bathroom

early February, I was invited in a pretty and chic optician to find care Taaj. I already knew a little brand name, its star product so even if I had not tested, but without really knowing it eventually. So I just wanted to deepen the subject. Because it feels good to get away a bit from time to time to our usual marks, to see if the grass is not greener elsewhere.

Taaj is a young brand but draws its identity, its forms and its assets in the knowledge millennium. The creation story is quite interesting and very representative of our time. Stephen Levy, its designer, worked in finance for 10 years when he decided to change his life. Fascinated by India, he decides to go there for 7 months and discovered Ayurveda. This holistic medicine (which takes into account the whole body but also the individual in its environment and not the symptom alone) 5000 year old aims to restore balance between body, mind and spirit to heal but also to prevent disease, aging, pain, etc.. To heal, she uses include yoga, aromatherapy, plants, massage but also cosmetics. Indeed, the skin care is a branch of medicine this millennium because beauty is synonymous with good health. On his return to France, Stephane Levy decided to create a brand of cosmetics inspired by Ayurveda. Taaj was born.

(Photo Caribou)
Specifically Unhelpful For the formulation of their care, based on the principle Taaj Ayurvedic Sanyoga, synergy. The important thing is not only an asset but the combination of ingredients used and who will act together, thus multiplying their powers and their effects. I'm not going to describe in detail how it works, I'm not a good little chemist and I confuse you more than anything else. Say to sum the formula is considered as a whole and that every ingredient used is not put there at random and is intended to enhance the action of its small companions. Obviously, the assets selected by the mark for care come from India and are commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine. At the heart of the formulas, there are forms of herbal essential oils or plant by example but also the water source in the Himalayas with soothing and softening properties.

But beware, if the forms are inspired by Ayurveda, the texture of care is it adapted to Western skins. Because we do not have the same skin as the Indian, the dosage has been prepared for us. Wholesale assets are Indian, but the texture is French. Besides the mark does not exist in India and, if it was started there, it would not work since it does not suit local tastes. Despite appearances, Taaj is a French brand. I say still crowing.

Well, at first, I confess, I was still skeptical. Not on the products themselves but on the whole concept Ayurvedic. I have a pragmatic side, while West, the one who was biberonnée to modern medicine, and do not necessarily believe in alternative medicines or "philosophies" Oriental. And then, during the evening, to get familiar with Ayurveda, we did do a little test. This medicine postulates that each individual is composed of three doshas - vata (air), Pita (fire) and kapha (earth) - including one that defines our dominant personality type but also our skin (and therefore the care we to use) and our hair. So I did the test to see which dosha I was, just for fun but not believing at all. In tests accustomed (and because I also wrote a lot for my job), I know it's all a bit of bullshit. But then, I was amazed. The description of the profile obtained (I am Vata) was spat me (with some details about mini). I am disgusted, I kinda lost the sheet descriptive but since I can remember the lines: already, there was the artistic side, the description of the skin was that too, but what struck me the most hit is the little sentence that said that I tended to forget things. I've already mentioned my early Alzheimer's not (now I even forget the names of the people is to say)? You could say it's a total coincidence. But the test also had just typed Girl Lambda this also that day. Like what if Ayurveda has survived 5000 years, not a chance.
were also treated to a small and nice facial with products from the brand (I particularly liked the scrub). Moreover, there is somewhere a picture of me naked face behind. Horror. I even saw my opinion on the Micellar Water, the best-selling brand. I've been home for six months, I think, but I hate the micellar water, not made for me, so I'd never opened. And finally, she perfectly cleansed without getting your face on fire (as did the ones I used to date). Sudden heart of the fragrance also discovered some treatments that day and who feel divinely good. And cheers for the names of products, very fun: Delhicieuse Nourishing Cream Moisturizing Kashemire, Dry Oil Bombaysque. IPO attention, you have a serious competitor in the category of wordplay.

An evening full of fun and very nice discovery. I left with the new brand: a foot cream and hand lotion in particular (the trademark care for face and body). I'll keep you posted as soon as I pushed all the tests. If you want to discover these products Taaj be purchased in pharmacies and drugstores. I also advise you to go to the website of the brand because it can make a particular test to see how we Dosha and thus discover what we need creams.

Thank Poulette Taaj and thank you for the invitation and for hosting the Caribou. Since it was an optician, I took the opportunity to try all pairs of glasses available and it confirmed what I suspected: I have a head for Ray Ban (Wayfarer or Driver). Arf, I like!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Why Are My Lips Gunky

The legend of the Taj Mahal

Finally ................... I'm back:)
After a period of intense work for a great project on which I focused in recent times, I finally back in form and with good news that I will reveal in my next post. I'm so wait a bit:)
Meanwhile, back in to our sheep, I attended a very nice swap "the earth and its treasures" organized by Nansou last year. I'll give you my recipe for soap "The legend of the Taj Mahal" that I made for the occasion.

legend Taj Mahal

Il est en Inde, un mausolée de marbre blanc esseulé qui fut construit par l'empereur moghol Shâh Jahân en mémoire de son épouse Mimtaz Mahal (la lumière du palais) la favorite du Harem qui fut sa seule et unique épouse.
Son amour pour elle était tellement grand, que lorsqu'elle mourut en couche, les cheveux de l'empereur devinrent gris en une seule nuit.
La légende raconte qu'il  planifiait la construction d'une réplique black marble of the Taj, on the left bank to hold its own grave. So the couple would be united after death, thanks to the bridge would have connected the two buildings.
Unfortunately, the emperor was imprisoned by his son who stole the power, Shah Jahan was poisoned and was never able to implement its projects.
At his death he was buried beside Mumtaz in Taj Mahal, and they rest side by side for eternity.

- 50% coconut HV (smoothing makes the skin silky, nourishing, penetrating, not greasy, soap bubble)
- HV 30% Sesame (UV filter, insightful, refreshing, relaxing)
- 10% almond HV (asoucissant, fabric softener, anti-stretch marks)
- 10% Br mango (nourishing, softening)

greasing 9% dilution with water for cooking rice

- Coconut milk (moisturizer, nourrissant, adoucissant)
- Terre noire des Indes (colorant naturel noir)
- Dioxyde de titane (colorant blanc)
- HE patchouli (décongestionnant, circulatoire, régénérant cellulaire, cicatrisant, tonique)
- HE cèdre (cicatrisant, astringent, antifongique, relaxant, décongestionnant, cellulite, peaux et cheveux gras, pellicules, chute des cheveux)
- HE girofle (antibacterien, antiviral, antifungal, antiseptic, general stimulant, anesthetic)

To illustrate this legend, I divided into 3 parts soap. The first part from the bottom is the black marble mausoleum that the Emperor has never had time to build, the white top depicts the Taj Mahal in white marble.
The medium marbled black and white is white and the Mumtaz black emperor sitting side by side, united in eternity.

I preferred ingredients found India: coconut, sesame, rice, almond, mango, earth, cedar, patchouli and clove.

Unknown Pain Between Shoulder Blades Causes

From the violence of the electric tooth brushing

Parfois, je me pose des questions existentielles. L’autre jour, la Miss Catastrophe qui est en moi a encore frappé. De bon matin (il devait être dans les 11 h), je tends la main vers ma brosse à dents pour faire mon petit toilettage de canine. Forcément, à cette heure là, j’ai la tête pas où il faut et la main pas assurée. Donc ce qui devait arriver arriva : ma brosse à dents m’a échappé pour finir dans les toilettes (maudite armoire à pharmacie juste au-dessus de la cuvette) ! Encore une victime innocente de ma maladresse. Bon, je l’ai repêchée mais bien évidemment plus question de me brosser les dents with. Yuck. Zou in the trash. And, of course, I had no spare brush. Seeing me go wrong at the local supermarket with my breath and my teeth yellow jackal, I am so determined to do what I rejected for years: opening a power toothbrush stored in the bottom of my closet and I had a press day.

There, I've heard them shouting behind their screen: "What you got an electric toothbrush available and you are satisfied with poor disposable brushes! "Well, yes. I do not know why I never took the leap. However, the one I have is a bit of electric Rolls, an Oral B with a timer that tells you when it's good, it feels good 3 minutes, you also say how much time brushing each area and when the brush is worn. But I do not know, it did not attract me more than that. Maybe because it was too huge for my tiny bathroom and I did not want it eats me up all the space on the edge of the sink (there's already my make-up, my soap face and one hand, there remains a centimeter for something else). I told myself that I keep for when I have a bathroom worthy of the name. Such as pour voyager, c’est pas hyper pratique. Peut-être aussi par pure paresse, parce que ça me saoulait d’avoir à la charger (et à lire le mode d’emploi pour savoir comment elle fonctionne aussi). Non, je trouvais les jetables bien plus pratiques, même si les électriques nettoient mieux. Elle m’attendait donc depuis 2/3 ans.

Mais là, il le fallait bien, pas d’autre choix, je l’ai enfin déballée. Mais je reste dubitative. C’est vrai qu’après je sens mes dents plus propres (enfin, c’est une impression, mais je les sens plus lisses). Mais le brossage avec cet instrument (de torture si je puis dire) not really, but really not pleasant. Already, with his giant stick, it is not very easy to take in hand. I also had trouble getting used to the mini brush. In addition, because there is less surface brushing, I feel like I put twice as much time and forget the zones. Moreover, I find that some areas are difficult to reach. And it is a force! These vibrations, it makes me shiver the whole head. We do not laugh, I do absolutely not kidding. It does not hurt but almost. It has come brushing teeth a chore. I come to regret my brush disposable. And as expected, having to charge it all the time get drunk. Especially when she falls in the road right in brushing. There, more vibration, so I find myself doing things a normal brushing but with a brush riquiqui. Hell. Perhaps it is time to get used to this new movement. There's only been two or three days. For example, even though I no longer need, I'm still doing rotation movements with the hands, while the brush is already doing. I normally just leave "ask." So I wondered: am I alone in finding the unpleasant electric tooth brushing ? Is it because I'm too cozy? And you people rather brushing manual or electric? I told you I was asking philosophical questions.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Death Star Pinewood Derby

The Lazy Beauty Goes Web 2.0

After a year of beauty blogging, it was time to go to the third millennium. Being a big void in IT, I left trailing, postponed again and again. But we kept telling me that I missed stuff and needed me to be there. Where? Ben, on Facebook. So, yeah, my blog landed on FB. Besides, it's me or register it's become much more complicated than A few years ago? Some stuff I still do not, you'll have me to look carefully above. In the meantime, if you want to become Friends with Lazy Beauty is thus:

To track a little more everyday my delusions. Yes, for now, there is not much but it will come. Tomorrow, I am at my friends finder.

And with the advent of video on the blog, I also had to create my Youtube channel. A real digital revolution say so! Well, Again, I do not quite understand how it worked. I think I'll have to take a lesson "Youtube for zero." So, it's also a bit empty for now, but if you want to subscribe, go there.

Well, for Twitter, however, it will not for now. It's gonna be without me again for quite some time. I know without the Beauty Lazy Twitter, Twitter is not really, but I know I would not necessarily have the time to chirp, I'd rather throw myself into it. Even if it means missing again stuff. Anyway, must be disconnect at any time. XoXo

Friday, February 25, 2011

Wiring Diagram Of A 50cc Scooter

Cassis Raspberry Ethnicia of: a varnish hides his game

After a short phase-issique Nars, I decided to take a short break in my testing of my four brand new varnish to find other nuggets in my possession. For between the Texas Collection and some other new OPI nail that lie ahead this spring will be full of tests and the first time. This week I set my heart on the second varnish Ethnicia I had been sent: Cassis Raspberry, pink / deep red that I saw on many blogs and for which I eu un coup de cœur. C’était tout à fait mon genre de couleur : féminine, glamour et qui peut être portée avec tout.

La couleur est superbe, très chic, mais peut-être plus classique que le Violet Lilas testé précédemment. Quoique. Alors qu’elle a l’air rouge foncée la plupart du temps, elle se révèle plus rose au soleil, cassis framboise en fait comme son nom l’indique. Côté application, je l’ai trouvé un petit peu plus facile à appliquer que le lilas, il a une meilleure opacité. Le lilas, si vous ne mettez pas deux bonnes couches, vous aurez une certaine location transparency. No problem with it, it is completely opaque. I think that even if the first layer is thick enough is enough (it is a deduction in view of the varnish, but my first layer is as thin as possible as I learned, I would not put my hand cut) and this will give a varnish over that red raspberry at that time. To hold, it's Ethnicia, so it is good. I also wore it last week and held within 5 days (except the left index finger which is my weak point on all the varnish but I cobbled together that day, yes, yes). But at the same time, I think my top coat is in the process of giving up the ghost, it is pasty so I think it plays on the holding, it weakens it. I noticed that with those used before. Anyway, once again, I am very satisfied with this varnish Ethnicia. I think they have done their job by creating their line. These are quality products at low prices (about 8 €), it should be emphasized.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Snorting Bull; Free Clip Art

I care or I throw? Balance February

At the end of February, it's time to take stock of beauty last month with a second edition of "I care or I throw? "Just a reminder of the new resolution 2011: I do not speak not necessarily all the beauty products I use (some not worthy of review), or sometimes I change my mind about them in the long run, my initial review then being out of date or incomplete. So I found interesting to do a mini review whenever I finish a product (which is rare but it happens) and tell you if ultimately it was worth being bought or if could direct the discard.

For this second edition, small balance month so small (5 products though, not bad). No personal care products this month. No, I have not stopped to wash but since losing my shower gel Petit Marseille, I'm looking desperately for a replacement at its height, without finding, so I zap. Next routine hair when I was about to finish my products, I had to replace all the special colored hair, so I start at the very beginning. It is therefore unlikely to see anytime soon in this category. Especially since I cut my hair, I use 3 times less. I had not thought about that but this square, it's crazy that I am saving to do. Go truce blabber, let's go in the heart of the matter. While these products that have passed away this month, I bought or not?

Palette Care Repair Cream Face - Lip Balm, Top Secret, Yves Saint Laurent
YES and NO
Yes, because I already find it very convenient. To recall (I had already talked quickly but you had to zap), this pretty box contains a lip balm and a night cream. No headlock before bedtime, everything has to be a ritual of Sleeping Beauty. When you travel, this conditioning is ideal. Yes, also for the chic and snobbery gesture and the brand. I know I'm weak but I like Yves Saint Laurent and now the brand has never disappointed unlike other big names. Moreover, as I said before, if I had to choose between the three big French luxury brands, it would unhesitatingly YSL. Also somewhat perversely, because compared to the other two, I think we're talking about less then the mark does not lack quality. Yes, also because the products are a pleasure to apply and make their small effect. And besides, they feel good. Cream, creamy and very moisturizing cream is perfect at night. Balsam butter nourishes lips perfectly.

And no, because obviously, since there are two products in the same package, there are fewer than in each one containing normal (30 ml cream instead of 50, 5 g balm instead of 7). So the product by fast enough. Me, I do not know why I have also finished the cream two months before the Balm. Maybe I happened to use them separately. In any case, if there are fewer, the price it is still quite high (59 €). No, also because the night cream is a simple cream that moisturizes and repairs skin, but with my age now, I tell myself that I must put myself in old age care in the evening. And for the balm, I prefer that of Kiehl's. It is equally moisturizer but lighter (because it has more fat than butter). It is particularly pleasant in the morning.
Diorshow Mascara Ecstasy, Dior
For now, I've never been disappointed by a Dior mascara (well, I'll still pass on the new, swivel, this I've seen, it does not have top). I find it that is what the brand does best. Year after year, I fell for their novelty and it always made me lash doe. This one is no exception to the rule. It is a mini version that I had in the Biba there are more than six months I think. At first I was not sure to love. But it always makes me with Dior. As the mascara is too full, there is too much on the brush and it makes packages. But it improves with time and makes the lashes very black and very large, who are more without it could not do too much. There is no effect card. What I like also in Dior, is that they last long in any case, my home. They do not dry out after a month. There, so I more than six months, there is almost over and it is not of first youth, but I could still use it. But since there are fewer must ironing twenty times on the eyelashes and I'm drunk. In addition, I want to test new ones.

Almond Cream Wash Hands, Green Tree
YES YES YES and again, but charging
When I told you that liquid hand soap Green Tree, that had triggered a Crisis good for some laughs. Because the brand is best known for its household products. But it also makes personal care products (shampoo, soap, shower gel). And if I have not tested the others (my sister has tested the shower gel and I think it's not a fan), I became a fan of this cream for washing hands. If there is one product that I use in mass is the hand soap, because I wash them twenty times a day. So I tested a shovel. And so far, my best of the best. And I think it will stay that long. Already he feels good because the kernel (so it was won advance). And then you know that for everything concerning my hands, the scent is paramount. Secondly, because the bottle is just a giant (500 ml, whereas the others are usually 250) when its price is minimum (less than 3 €, so the same price or less than its competitors who have yet least in the belly). An economical and environmentally friendly. In addition, it is paraben free (and without a lot of bad things) but a life still 12 months after opening. Me, he did not have 12 months, since my frequency of washing, but it stayed in my bathroom for quite some time anyway. And when it was finally over, no bought a bottle but not an eco-charging, plus it is cheaper I think. When I tell you it is ecological and economical.

Caring Nail Polish Remover, NO and NO Herome

I was first attracted by the solvent because it did not smell remover. It was amazing indeed, it had the perfume of a treatment. But I quickly became disillusioned. Because to remove the varnish, it was hell. At first I thought it came from the nail itself, but since I changed my nail, I no problem, all coating go on the blink of an eye. So is he. My advice therefore is: do not buy it especially! With my current nail, I need a single cotton and sometimes a single face to remove the varnish perfectly with all my fingers and I moisten cotton than three / four times. With him, I had to furnish the solvent on cotton at least twice a nail and I do not even tell you the number of cotton that I was leaving. And I also spent hours because he had rubbed again and again. Was wearing. Some nights, I finished even desperate, thinking that I would never get to take off my nail. He had particular difficulty with black, red and those sequins. Sometimes I even let the remains on the nails (of colors or glitter) because I'm rubbing, it did not leave, and I let the matter by exhaustion. So a real failure. And anyway, I buy the next nail is the magic bath at Sephora. More than a small bottle to finish and it will be mine!

Oil Tonic Firming and Anti-Water, Almond, L'Occitane en Provence
Translation: Do not know. To be effective (on the aspect the skin at least), a slimming treatment must be applied daily, morning and evening, even better. Those who follow me from the beginning may remember that I started using this product there is almost a year now. So no, I was putting not every day, rather than twice a week with breaks of one or two months. Necessarily impossible to judge its effectiveness. But I still wanted to finish to try to start another and regularly use one. Otherwise, I liked the texture of oil, quite pleasant to apply. Instead, put it very, very long time to penetrate into the skin really not made for those who want to get dressed right away. I had my pants drag on for at least half an hour. Also a little disappointed by the perfume that did not feel that I like the almond, the glue Cleopatra.

much for this second edition. I hope this has been informative for you and it has helped you. See you hopefully end of March (I'm opening phase product, not sure I can make enough dead by then).

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Nys Unemployment Weekly Certification Questions

Makeup brown / brown palette with New Pastels

Between contests and events, I feel like forever that we did not talk about makeup. It was therefore urgent to get back to basics. You know now that I do not like the colors brown / brown make-up. Especially eyeshadow, I think it m'éteint look and it does not suit me at all. I do not know if these are ideas that I am or whether I'm right, anyway, I've banished my vanity. Too dull, too not me. I recently tried a make-up Clinic in these bands there and although I found the top products on me, something was wrong.

And recently I had two or three days I did not want me to do makeup or three tons, so I went out for an hour on an errand. But no question of leaving bare face, do not push. So I grabbed the paddle Neo Pastels Clarins for once tidy in the bathroom and I just quickly put dark brown on the eyelid. And there it was a revelation. Is it me or was this beautiful brown? And fitted me quite well? I do not know if it's brown because that's what this particular one has a twist that makes it I feel better than others. Possible. I also hate that purple, I already had a bit of heart and a revelation with that of the pallet. Or is it also because I changed my hair color. Before I was a brown / brown, so brown with brown eyes, and add the brown on top, it was a boring. Now, with my reflections Mahogany is perhaps less dull.

In any case, this palette is truly amazing and I use it, the more I love it. Basically, it was not yet completely done for me with its brown tones, pink et violets (je me rends compte que je n’avais pas mis de swatch la dernière fois, le voici), des couleurs dont je ne suis pas fan et que je n’utilise presque jamais. Et pourtant, elle a réussi à me les faire aimer, ce que bien d’autres fards des mêmes teintes avaient échoué à faire. Contrairement à certaines palettes que j’adore pourtant, mais qui sont difficiles à porter tous les jours par la plupart des gens, je trouve celle-ci vraiment bien faite. Ok, il n’y a pas de couleurs follichonnes ou qui nous tapent dans l’œil mais justement, c’est ce qui fait qu’elle est parfaite et qu’elle peut convenir à tout le monde. Moi, j’aime m’en used daily for discrete or even sophisticated makeup, crayons or intense. When I do not want my makeup too, it's my best friend.

From my heart to blow the brown, I use it all the sauces. Alone on the eyelid and applied to the finger when I did not want or no time to do my makeup but I do not want to face the world without make-up. I find it a little better in my eyelid. Sublime but he does not see too much. When I want something a little stronger, I blende with the golden (just above it on the pallet) that I put in the hollow of the eyelid and inner corner of the eye in light button. Can I put a bit of kohl in the waterline. And if I wanted a more sophisticated look, I added the eyeliner to upper lash line. Besides the cream eyeliner palette is the only thing I do not like her. I find it too creamy and it just makes it difficult drawing a precise line, even with the proper brush. I prefer my gel liner muff.

I also discovered that this color was perfect when you put a red lipstick. Because let's face it: it is true that one of the rules of make-up is not to load the eyes and mouth at the same time. But I do not know about you, me I can not go out without eye makeup. Even when I have lipstick ultra pigmented, it must have something on the eyes (usually mascara + eyeliner). And that shadow is dark makeup and perfect as it enhances the look without being flashy. So no danger of beauty faux pas. I am even surprised to zap step the eyeliner, which normally never happens because I think it makes me smaller eyes. But not here. I do not know why, but I think this mascara sublime look at it alone. No need to make tons with.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Can You Be An Mma Fighter If You Have Herpes

Reviews of Clarins Exfoliating Butter Hand Cream and Cacau Natura + winning

There are a few fragrances in cosmetics that I do not support, honey first but also that of chocolate, too daunting even stifling. And yet, I fell madly in the range of Natura Ekos Cacau Brasil. A stroke of lightning. For in addition to their efficiency, outputs also feel really good. I myself was surprised. Before you reveal the names of the winners of Hand Creams and Butters scrubs, so I wanted you to make small reviews of these two products that are directly entered in my favorites just tried.

Butter Scrub Cacau, Ekos
Its action
You probably know now that I'm a fan of scrubs for the body but I am also very fussy, even psycho. I love scrubs strong, tearing itself (on the body eh, on the face, I'm pretty gentle exfoliation). Otherwise, I feel that it has no action. After years of disappointment with the peels to use in the shower, so I turned to those on dry skin, the only ones to really satisfy my desires. Well, I can say that this Cacau butter scrub is the first scrub on wet skin that wins my vote for a very long time. In general, with most used scrubs in the shower, you do not even feel the grains, finally it is as if nothing was done. Here, you can feel his action with big grains of sugar. I love so much he even replaced the scrub to dry skin that I used to date. For it is when even more convenient and fast to exfoliate in the shower.

This is a butter. First benefit: when applied on the leg, he stays on the skin and does not slip on the floor of the shower. I do not know about you, but I, with some peeling, I had m'exfolie in one second as all the matter was going in the blink of an eye. Here we have time to apply. In addition, thanks to cocoa butter, nourishing and moisturizing properties, leaving the skin soft and smooth. Limit, there is no need to put body cream after showering when, under normal la peau tiraille.

Son parfum
Etonnant. On sent le cacao mais il est marié à des notes florales. C’est sucré mais on n’a pas le côté haut le cœur que peut donner la fragrance chocolat chimique de la plupart des cosmétiques.

Les moins
Et bien, je l’aime tellement que je trouve qu’il n’y en a pas assez (175 ml). C’est un tel plaisir de l’utiliser qu’à chaque fois, j’en mets trois tonnes donc je sens qu’il va partir vite (alors que mon dernier gommage m’a fait plus d’un an). En même temps, comme il est sans conservateur paraben and he has a life open only 6 months, so it's not necessarily true under.
The price also may be less certain: 22 €.

Hand Cream Pulp Cacau, Ekos
My first criterion for judging a hand cream is so good about it penetrates the skin well before its hydration capacity. As I spend my time on my computer, I hate having sticky hands. And this gets at a phenomenal rate, it is all very impressive, and what we have hands ultra-dry or normal. In ce moment, avec le redoux, je n’ai limite plus besoin de crème pour les mains, elles sont bien douces, la peau est élastique. Mais je mets quand même celle-ci et quelques secondes après son application elle est déjà absorbée.
Et, pourtant, quand j’ai vu sa texture pour la première fois, je n’en aurais pas mis ma main à couper. C’est un beurre bien onctueux et qui a l’air bien gras, sans pourtant l’être. Ce qui nous amène au point numéro deux.

Son action
Elle est parfaite. Ultra-nourrissante grâce au beurre de cacao et à sa texture épaisse (mais pas grasse donc), elle est idéale pour les mains dry and very dry. It is your best friend against cold winter. But it is also suitable for normal skin with this creamy texture but ultimately slight. It leaves your hands really soft and smooth, perfectly moisturized and repaired, and who feel divinely good.

Its scent was delicious. What is indispensable to me for a hand cream. They fly around so much and I passed under the nose a hundred times a day than I could bear a cream which I do not like the fragrance. And it really is rather addictive. One feels there too but it's cocoa as a background, it is not too far. In fact, I find its odor resembles that of my frangipane cream that I also love L'Occitane, but more chocolaty.

I think it's because the tube is full arch but the product goes out without that I need to squeeze the tube. It's a bit boring because either we reapplied the surplus on hand or it sinks again into the interior with the cap. But it is a mini detail.

FYI, it is 14 € to 75 ml. And has a lifespan of 18 months once opened.

And here came time to reveal the name of our six little lucky.

Winning the Hand Cream Pulp Cacau
My Quiet Corner

Winning Butter Scrub Cacau
Send me a mail with your details. If no news in a week, following my new rules, I would withdraw the fate of new winners.

Besides, I still looking for two winners for the contest Embryolisse: Eng-Ru and Cooking Mama.
Otherwise, for Pantene, Clarins and muff, ça y est, j'ai envoyé vos adresses. Mais comme cette semaine, c'est les vacances, il y a beaucoup d'absents donc les lots ne seront pas forcément envoyés tout de suite. Mais tenez-moi au courant si vous les recevez ou pas.
Pour Hydriska, les crèmes sont enfin parties la semaine dernière, jeudi je crois, donc ça ne devrait pas tarder à arriver (enfin).

Monday, February 21, 2011

Building Sprinkler Head Covers

The mystery of the house color finally solved winning

Après vous avoir laissé jouer les Sherlock Holmes tout le week end, il est temps de vous révéler la solution du mystère du relooking extrême de nos quatre Beauty Drôles de dames. Mais avant, récapitulons un peu pour celles qui auraient missed the first chapter ( HERE). In previous episodes: Beauty Blog , Miss Gima, So and myself had been invited to test a new mark is an exclusive color home. It was therefore turned our beautiful hair (some for the first time) in the hands of experts, both of us benefiting from the expertise of a living master of colorectal, two other really testing this colonial house (yes, must give the person know when you're beauty blogger). And this is where you enter the battlefield with the mission to guess who was a colorful house and was a colorful show. At stake: a year of house color to win. So who who? You're impatient eh!

Well, you were totally taken by boat. Yes, yes. I know it's wrong, but for the love of the game In fact, we tested all the house color. Rather stunning eh! Looks like the real work of pro. And true, it is even more telling. Already all my white hair have disappeared, which is a first proof of quality. Indeed, it is not always the case. And after several washings, they are still not returned and the color is always intense. Second successful test. This qui m’a aussi beaucoup impressionné, c’est que juste après la colo et le brushing mes cheveux étaient d’une douceur et d’une brillance incroyables. Bien plus doux qu’après la plupart de mes brushings coiffeur. Et c’était pareil pour les autres filles (je parle de la douceur, pas du camouflage de cheveux blancs, hein. Ca c'est mon fardeau à moi, because of mes cheveux très foncés, les autres beauty drôles de dames sont cheveux blancs free. Je précise pour pas que vous fassiez de mauvaises interprétations). D’ailleurs, on a été toutes les 4 prises d’un tic collectif, on n’arrêtait pas de se toucher les cheveux tellement c’était impressionnant. Pourtant, ils n’avaient pas été traités à l’extrême pour ça. Ce résultat avait été obtenu en utilisant juste le shampooing et le masque de cette nouvelle marque.

Je vous ai mis l’eau à la bouche hein ? Vous vous demandez quelle peut bien être cette nouvelle marque vendue en grande surface mais avec un vrai résultat pro ? Allez, je ne vous laisse pas languir une seconde de plus. Il s’agit de la marque de coloration maison lancée par le coiffeur pro Jean Marc Joubert. Et elle va révolutionner le petit monde de la coloration maison. Tout d’abord par sa forme. Jusqu’ici vous achetiez votre colo de grande mark in its little box. Today, prepare to spend the next gesture pro. Moreover, with its unique packaging, you will not miss this new in your supermarket. Everything exploded. We buy separate utensils to make her colo (bowl, comb, bottle dispenser, gloves, brush applicator), the colon itself and the emulsion revealing. And then you say: Oh my God, it's going to cost me an arm for all that! Well, not at all. Already, because the products are priced riquiqui (1.50 € each accessory, 2.90 € coloring cream and 1.25 € les 90 ml ou 4,90 € les 500 ml pour l’Emulsion Révélatrice). Et on n’achète uniquement ce dont on a besoin. Ainsi une fois qu’on a les accessoires de base, on les garde aussi longtemps qu’on le veut : ils sont lavables et réutilisables. Et si on prend les 500 ml d’Emulsion, on en a pour 4 à 8 colos. On fait donc sa petite cuisine à la carte. Ca permet d’aller à l’essentiel et de n’acheter que ce dont on a besoin. C’est écolo et économique.
Mais ce n’est pas parce que c’est pas cher que des économies ont été faites sur la qualité. Pour la création de sa marque de colo, la Philosophy of Jean Marc Joubert was no compromise. He wanted a color mark at home with pro results, including using high quality pigments, and he pulled it off. This is the first time I tested a colonial house (seen some catalytic on my girlfriends, I never wanted to try the Miss disaster that I'm aware that she let her hair) but the result is as good as at my previous salon coloring. Even better than some that had faded quickly when they were yet final. The colossal Jean Marc Colorist are also continuing elsewhere. There are 28 shades available. Me, I tested a Mahogany I think (even if it does not show much in the pictures, the light reflections are intense and really there), a tobacco Beauty Blog, a brassy Miss Gima So Intense and a Golden. And, of course, no colonial house without taking care to produce. Yes, because when hair is dyed, it is imperative to change beauty routine and opt for specific products, this preserves the color and makes it shiny longer. Jean Marc has also established a protective shampoo (without silicone) and mask repair, also at bargain prices (2.90 € and 5.90 €). For now, la marque est disponible dans les Géant Casino mais elle arrive petit à petit dans d’autres grandes surfaces.

Alors, maintenant vous vous dites : mais s’il n’y avait aucune bonne réponse, on a toutes perdues ? Que nenni. Toutes les participations étaient valides justement. Et notre grande gagnante est : Martylo ! Bravo à toi. Tu remportes donc un an de coloration Jean Marc Coloriste, c’est-à-dire dix tubes de coloration crème, deux flacons de 500ml d'Emulsion Révélatrice, un flacon doseur, un bol doseur, un pinceau + un peigne, dix gants et dix capes de coloration, deux shampooings de 1L et trois masques réparateur. Pour choisir your color, give you the site , then send me a mail with your contact information and the color chosen.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Where To Buy Solid Glycerin

+ How to become a pinup: burlesque lesson on video

To finish this weekend on the theme of burlesque, a little lesson on video glamouritude. During the day Secrets of Women by MonCôtéFille , Sugar Da Moore, who besides being a talented performer teaches at the School knavery, showed us some things to play pin-up at home.

Because to be taken to Dita Von Teese, you must train :) Be careful, some are dangerous, especially on carpet charged, hence my cry damsel in distress, not very glamorous. I almost lost life. Beauty is that laziness is not the type to do several things at once and then lift leg from buttock caressage + + while filming at the same time myself nearly fatal. In addition, I was totally devolved by Ms. Beauty behind me, I missed half of the exercises. Besides, I have a few nuggets in his video game pinup. But I do not reveal anything, it also has records on me. It This is called nuclear deterrence) Fortunately, Pure Beauty was there to give the student dissipated as I'm in the right way.

And remember you can always play until midnight to win a year's coloring: HERE and Body Care Natura Brasil HERE.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

How Much To Rent A Bugatti

Ah routine

It seems that I have not much to say, ideas of texts: an ode to the cheese curds, a summary of a book on Quebec's relationship with its giant neighbor to the south ... But no rush. The session took his stride, corrections accumulate claiming the little discipline I have.

courses are nice, I have good bands. A unique case: a student quadriplegic after a car accident following my course simply to cultivate. Perhaps to prove that even if it is more than a head on a rigid body, he is still alive. His body is inert in his wheelchair, a breathing machine does. I made him pass his exam orally, he wanted nothing but his courage impressed me. Nice example to set for my college students not always motivated ...

Chance encounters former students gave me the best salary of a teacher, knowing that you have counted such trip has opened our eyes to the middle ... See another student who dropped the college is that wants to become a hotel waiter, he will discover from the scotch and wines in Europe. Why not? Passion often makes learning more than schools.


He made 11 yesterday in bright sunshine. Today was an icy wind. By the winter death of opera, it never ends. A first break anyway, a stronger sun opens his agony. And hey, a song of winter to mark the thing. I'm not a big fan of Claude Dubois who caricature older. He makes good songs but it is one that is for me apart from others. It is magical.

hope that Labrador does not dwell too much in our South this winter.

Milena Velba And Pregnat

Secrets of Women: The video shows

Yesterday, I spoke of the event organized by Women Secrets of Miss Gima blog MonCôtéFille . This afternoon there, only 40 lucky people, including myself, had enjoyed the day fun and sexy. For all those who missed this event dedicated to Burlesque, here is a video shows that we have witnessed: the vamp Sugar Da Moore, Scarlett Diamonds glamorous and very funny Mamzelle Viviane, and a small number of Pole Dance by Marina dancer instructor at the Secret Square . It's crazy acrobatics to make it happen, and with disconcerting ease! She has no problem with gravity, her.

These are obviously not the whole performance, I still wanted to keep a little mystery, just a few excerpts juxtaposed. Because I think that to be fully appreciated, these shows must be seen in real life. Moreover, for the Parisians who are interested, Scarlett Diamonds happens every Wednesday at Secret Square. Enjoy this little dose of glamor.

And remember you can always play to win a year's coloring: HERE and Body Care Natura Brasil HERE.

Friday, February 18, 2011

License Renewal Ohio Late

Burlesque Secrets of Women: Burlesque my day the Secret Square

I can not remember if I had already told (I think yes, but a little wakeup call can not hurt), one day they told me I looked like Dita Von Teese. The general anything, I know (as you can see from the post yesterday I like him as much as Britney Spears Megan Fox). At first, it made me laugh very well done. Anyway, from time to time, I pretend to believe. I like it. I play so I Dita, sallow complexion (that there's no need for artifice), red lips, eyelashes and very dark wavy hair. So naturally when I saw Miss Gima sexy burlesque organizing a day, I signed up immediately. Yeah, if I want to be a true and Dita passing him bite her boyfriend (the son Castelbajac, you realize you have clothes to JCDC life for free, the dream), I must train.

One Saturday afternoon in early February, so I landed all dolled up for the Secret Square Event Secrets of Women, organized by my side Girl . Living almost in the neighborhood, I always wondered what lay behind this mysterious door every time I passed it. This day allowed me to discover it, because let's face it, I never dared to cross the door itself. I found a beautiful cabaret decorated red and gold combining baroque and spirit lounge and where eroticism is chic. Here, it is not the vulgarity that card is put forward but elegant sensuality. Moreover, it is the only striptease club in Paris with a gourmet restaurant.

Just behind the door, I also came face to face with Ms. Beauty door that was when I arrived (it is too strong, she knows how). At first, I played a little delirious fan and ignored my dignity for a scream, "But I'll connaiiiiiiiiiiiiis you." For this beautiful afternoon also provided an opportunity to meet many bloggers I read (or not, but I'm reading now) and see the girls. I could tell you delusions, laughter, conversations disjointed, often rambling and not necessarily around the makeup, but I think I'd be there tomorrow. And everything that happens in Secret Square Secret Square remains;) So I would just say that I had a great time, I laughed, talked too much as usual, I am still arriving to put me a little ashamed but glamorous course since it was the theme of the day!

and I could not help but try pole dancing bar in the center of the cabaret. Yeah, I did a course, I'm a pro now. Admire the grace, style (those big ass trying to fight somehow against gravity). What class, I know.

The Beauty blogger is beautiful from head to toe.

This is not a lipstick.

While everyone pounced on the bar to taste the aphrodisiac drink L'Interdit, a sparkling rosé wine mixed with ginger extracts and aroma of toffee apples, candy and jobs (yes I denounce, p), I stayed right in my boots. No, I would not have sprained my slimming cure. We then went for a walk on the side of sexy items presented by the site Want Them. Sensual beauty brands such as Yes For Love (elected by the rest of us beauty bloggers marks the sexiest of the day), Shunga or Love to Love and powder spanking, sublime below rogues and other sexy accessories, everything came together for us in the mood. After we did ask jewelry skin Ines Castillo (elected the sexiest subject of the day), then we're going to sit down to watch the burlesque shows selected lovingly by Miss Gima.


Journal Japan

Sugar Da Moor

Scarlett Diamonds

Mamzelle Viviane

What I found really great is that all three performers had all chosen a completely different style. The goal is to show us more facets of Burlesque and the Neo-Burlesque. There was first Sugar Da Moor and his shows "Tease" and "Japan Review." Then we could admire the gorgeous Scarlett Diamonds show with a very 20s. And finally, my favorite show, the Mamzelle Viviane, funny and sexy. In his dance numbers and her striptease, she has indeed added a little comedy break. Hilarious.

Lady Flo

On a ensuite été mises à contribution avec un petit cours de sexyness dispensé par Sugar Da Moor qui enseigne d’ailleurs également à la Coquineries School. Là, il fallait nous voir, 40 filles en train de lever la jambe, d’onduler du cheveu et de minauder. Euh, le glamour n’était pas vraiment là mais le fou rire oui. Ensuite, quelques unes ont également pris une leçon de retirage de gant par Lady Flo, historienne et passionnée de Burlesque. Là, j’ai préféré jouer les spectatrices (et rire sous cape, oui je sais j’avoue, c’est mal). Puis la day ended with a huge raffle. Obviously, I did not win anything, I never win. Besides, everyone at my table went with her little gift, except me and Lipstick Quotes too, who has not had any luck that day. But I do not care for I got the coolest gift in the gift bags, funny and sexy panties. PS: Miss Shalyn and Girls and futile, I'm too jealous, you always win!

A really great day in a nutshell. I made a few movies (and shows the lesson of Burlesque) I'll post them this weekend if you're saying. And thank you to Miss Gima and Mrs. Beauty for photos (the best is their own, rotten, mine).

And remember you can always play to win a year's coloring: HERE and Body Care Natura Brasil HERE.