Sunday, February 27, 2011

Unknown Pain Between Shoulder Blades Causes

From the violence of the electric tooth brushing

Parfois, je me pose des questions existentielles. L’autre jour, la Miss Catastrophe qui est en moi a encore frappé. De bon matin (il devait être dans les 11 h), je tends la main vers ma brosse à dents pour faire mon petit toilettage de canine. Forcément, à cette heure là, j’ai la tête pas où il faut et la main pas assurée. Donc ce qui devait arriver arriva : ma brosse à dents m’a échappé pour finir dans les toilettes (maudite armoire à pharmacie juste au-dessus de la cuvette) ! Encore une victime innocente de ma maladresse. Bon, je l’ai repêchée mais bien évidemment plus question de me brosser les dents with. Yuck. Zou in the trash. And, of course, I had no spare brush. Seeing me go wrong at the local supermarket with my breath and my teeth yellow jackal, I am so determined to do what I rejected for years: opening a power toothbrush stored in the bottom of my closet and I had a press day.

There, I've heard them shouting behind their screen: "What you got an electric toothbrush available and you are satisfied with poor disposable brushes! "Well, yes. I do not know why I never took the leap. However, the one I have is a bit of electric Rolls, an Oral B with a timer that tells you when it's good, it feels good 3 minutes, you also say how much time brushing each area and when the brush is worn. But I do not know, it did not attract me more than that. Maybe because it was too huge for my tiny bathroom and I did not want it eats me up all the space on the edge of the sink (there's already my make-up, my soap face and one hand, there remains a centimeter for something else). I told myself that I keep for when I have a bathroom worthy of the name. Such as pour voyager, c’est pas hyper pratique. Peut-être aussi par pure paresse, parce que ça me saoulait d’avoir à la charger (et à lire le mode d’emploi pour savoir comment elle fonctionne aussi). Non, je trouvais les jetables bien plus pratiques, même si les électriques nettoient mieux. Elle m’attendait donc depuis 2/3 ans.

Mais là, il le fallait bien, pas d’autre choix, je l’ai enfin déballée. Mais je reste dubitative. C’est vrai qu’après je sens mes dents plus propres (enfin, c’est une impression, mais je les sens plus lisses). Mais le brossage avec cet instrument (de torture si je puis dire) not really, but really not pleasant. Already, with his giant stick, it is not very easy to take in hand. I also had trouble getting used to the mini brush. In addition, because there is less surface brushing, I feel like I put twice as much time and forget the zones. Moreover, I find that some areas are difficult to reach. And it is a force! These vibrations, it makes me shiver the whole head. We do not laugh, I do absolutely not kidding. It does not hurt but almost. It has come brushing teeth a chore. I come to regret my brush disposable. And as expected, having to charge it all the time get drunk. Especially when she falls in the road right in brushing. There, more vibration, so I find myself doing things a normal brushing but with a brush riquiqui. Hell. Perhaps it is time to get used to this new movement. There's only been two or three days. For example, even though I no longer need, I'm still doing rotation movements with the hands, while the brush is already doing. I normally just leave "ask." So I wondered: am I alone in finding the unpleasant electric tooth brushing ? Is it because I'm too cozy? And you people rather brushing manual or electric? I told you I was asking philosophical questions.


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