Thursday, February 10, 2011

Do Womens Feet Smell More Withh Nylons

Makeup Beautiful collection of Prints Clinic

While I'm a fan of the Care Clinic, I almost never use their makeup because I find it too quiet. They are often nude colors, tones in pink or brown, especially for eyeshadows, and as you've probably noticed, this is not my thing. Plus, I think it does not suit me to the complexion. Yet each season they are very beautiful palettes. And that this year I finally caught the eye. What did she more than others? First, it is a beautiful object (but in general they are all in Clinic). And for spring, the brand has offered a twist fashion by partnering with Michelle Smith, designer of Milly New York brand to create the collection in Belle Printed.

I confess that I do not know anything but I loved the little pouch containing the print range (itself decorated with motifs characteristic of the brand). Palette contains a blusher and four eyeshadows in shades of pink and brown: a white rose iridescent, light brown also slightly iridescent, pink, medium and dark brown matte (Blush + paf, left to right on the swatch). I have not used the blush makeup for my not being a fan of the texture powder because I cheeks a bit dry but I wanted to give me a make up of the eye using the four shadows.

I first posed the medium pink on the entire eyelid, then I applied a light brown iridescent starting in the outer corner and up into the hollow of the eyelid. I then increased the outer corner by placing a button de marron foncé. Et enfin, j’ai utilisé le rose clair sous l’arcade et dans le coin interne de l’œil en touche lumière. Sous l’œil, j’ai fait un retour avec le marron foncé, mais très légèrement, pour ne pas plomber. J’ai ensuite fait un trait d’eyeliner et mis du crayon noir dans la waterline (sans, ça faisait trop bizarre).

Les couleurs sont assez jolies, claires mais quand même bien pigmentées, elles s’appliquent et se travaillent facilement, seules ou entre elles. Mais je ne suis pas sûre d’aimer on me. As my eyes are brown, I think it looks m'éteint. And I'm too used to the flashy colors so inevitably my brain cries out that this kind of color is not for me. But for a different eye color or for girls who love the nude (or have no choice because their job prevents them from wearing strong colors), I think this palette is pretty good. She is 40 € but there is also a blusher with, it hurts less.

And remember that you can play to win lots of care Embryolisse Concentrated Cream with Milk and Water Rosamel: HERE.


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