Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Can You Be An Mma Fighter If You Have Herpes

Reviews of Clarins Exfoliating Butter Hand Cream and Cacau Natura + winning

There are a few fragrances in cosmetics that I do not support, honey first but also that of chocolate, too daunting even stifling. And yet, I fell madly in the range of Natura Ekos Cacau Brasil. A stroke of lightning. For in addition to their efficiency, outputs also feel really good. I myself was surprised. Before you reveal the names of the winners of Hand Creams and Butters scrubs, so I wanted you to make small reviews of these two products that are directly entered in my favorites just tried.

Butter Scrub Cacau, Ekos
Its action
You probably know now that I'm a fan of scrubs for the body but I am also very fussy, even psycho. I love scrubs strong, tearing itself (on the body eh, on the face, I'm pretty gentle exfoliation). Otherwise, I feel that it has no action. After years of disappointment with the peels to use in the shower, so I turned to those on dry skin, the only ones to really satisfy my desires. Well, I can say that this Cacau butter scrub is the first scrub on wet skin that wins my vote for a very long time. In general, with most used scrubs in the shower, you do not even feel the grains, finally it is as if nothing was done. Here, you can feel his action with big grains of sugar. I love so much he even replaced the scrub to dry skin that I used to date. For it is when even more convenient and fast to exfoliate in the shower.

This is a butter. First benefit: when applied on the leg, he stays on the skin and does not slip on the floor of the shower. I do not know about you, but I, with some peeling, I had m'exfolie in one second as all the matter was going in the blink of an eye. Here we have time to apply. In addition, thanks to cocoa butter, nourishing and moisturizing properties, leaving the skin soft and smooth. Limit, there is no need to put body cream after showering when, under normal la peau tiraille.

Son parfum
Etonnant. On sent le cacao mais il est marié à des notes florales. C’est sucré mais on n’a pas le côté haut le cœur que peut donner la fragrance chocolat chimique de la plupart des cosmétiques.

Les moins
Et bien, je l’aime tellement que je trouve qu’il n’y en a pas assez (175 ml). C’est un tel plaisir de l’utiliser qu’à chaque fois, j’en mets trois tonnes donc je sens qu’il va partir vite (alors que mon dernier gommage m’a fait plus d’un an). En même temps, comme il est sans conservateur paraben and he has a life open only 6 months, so it's not necessarily true under.
The price also may be less certain: 22 €.

Hand Cream Pulp Cacau, Ekos
My first criterion for judging a hand cream is so good about it penetrates the skin well before its hydration capacity. As I spend my time on my computer, I hate having sticky hands. And this gets at a phenomenal rate, it is all very impressive, and what we have hands ultra-dry or normal. In ce moment, avec le redoux, je n’ai limite plus besoin de crème pour les mains, elles sont bien douces, la peau est élastique. Mais je mets quand même celle-ci et quelques secondes après son application elle est déjà absorbée.
Et, pourtant, quand j’ai vu sa texture pour la première fois, je n’en aurais pas mis ma main à couper. C’est un beurre bien onctueux et qui a l’air bien gras, sans pourtant l’être. Ce qui nous amène au point numéro deux.

Son action
Elle est parfaite. Ultra-nourrissante grâce au beurre de cacao et à sa texture épaisse (mais pas grasse donc), elle est idéale pour les mains dry and very dry. It is your best friend against cold winter. But it is also suitable for normal skin with this creamy texture but ultimately slight. It leaves your hands really soft and smooth, perfectly moisturized and repaired, and who feel divinely good.

Its scent was delicious. What is indispensable to me for a hand cream. They fly around so much and I passed under the nose a hundred times a day than I could bear a cream which I do not like the fragrance. And it really is rather addictive. One feels there too but it's cocoa as a background, it is not too far. In fact, I find its odor resembles that of my frangipane cream that I also love L'Occitane, but more chocolaty.

I think it's because the tube is full arch but the product goes out without that I need to squeeze the tube. It's a bit boring because either we reapplied the surplus on hand or it sinks again into the interior with the cap. But it is a mini detail.

FYI, it is 14 € to 75 ml. And has a lifespan of 18 months once opened.

And here came time to reveal the name of our six little lucky.

Winning the Hand Cream Pulp Cacau
My Quiet Corner

Winning Butter Scrub Cacau
Send me a mail with your details. If no news in a week, following my new rules, I would withdraw the fate of new winners.

Besides, I still looking for two winners for the contest Embryolisse: Eng-Ru and Cooking Mama.
Otherwise, for Pantene, Clarins and muff, ça y est, j'ai envoyé vos adresses. Mais comme cette semaine, c'est les vacances, il y a beaucoup d'absents donc les lots ne seront pas forcément envoyés tout de suite. Mais tenez-moi au courant si vous les recevez ou pas.
Pour Hydriska, les crèmes sont enfin parties la semaine dernière, jeudi je crois, donc ça ne devrait pas tarder à arriver (enfin).


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