This month, I made my own Extreme Make-Over (must be the passage of 21 to 25 years ;) that made me want to change de tête). Donc après m’être fait la tête au carré, j’ai refait une coloration. Il faut dire que ma dernière datait de juin et si je n’avais pas de problèmes de racines vu ma politique pour le choix de la couleur (toujours prendre quasi exactement la même que la mienne), par contre les cheveux blancs eux étaient revenus en nombre. Et là, il fallait vraiment faire quelque chose. Comment voulez-vous que je fasse croire que j’ai 25 ans si j’ai les cheveux d’une petite vieille. Enfin je tiens quand même à préciser que je n’ai pas un âge si avancé, j’ai juste commencé à avoir des cheveux blancs trèèèès jeune, disons I am a little George Clooney in the feminine. And if it's sexy about him, about me, it sucks.
So he had to solve the problem quickly. And that's good, it's that time that I proposed to test just one color ... at a special evening (with candy) ... along with three others also Charlie's Angels beauty bloggers. Unable to resist the call of sugar, I said yes immediately. Ok, I was also curious to test this colo, glad to say bye bye to my white hair and rather impatient to move a great night with my girlfriends tank (hair).
So here we are met with Beauty Blog , Mlle Gima and So ' last Thursday to change his mind. Go and since I'm nice, I show you the same result. (Yes, you have the privilege of seeing my face for the first time. Yes, I'm not very photogenic, the camera makes me a double chin that I'm not at all but then not at all true) Rather succeeded no? But there is a small trap. In fact, two of us have benefited from colorectal and expertise lounge while the two others tested previewed a brand new color that will soon be launched in supermarkets. Do you have the eye to differentiate the results show that of large distrib '? Who Miss Gima, me, Beauty Blog or So '(in that order from left to right in the photo back. From the front, a mystery about who is who;)) has been excluded by testing this new brand?
Not easy eh! Go to motivate you a bit I'll raise a little bidding. One that can answer this riddle will win all the material to be colored hair for a year with this novelty. You have until Sunday midnight to play and I give the answer (and all the details of the evening) and the name of the winner of Monday noon. And if you're curious or you want more clues you can also go for a ride on my beauty blog friends. Good Luck!
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