Finally ................... I'm back:)
After a period of intense work for a great project on which I focused in recent times, I finally back in form and with good news that I will reveal in my next post. I'm so wait a bit:)
Meanwhile, back in to our sheep, I attended a very nice swap "the earth and its treasures" organized by Nansou last year. I'll give you my recipe for soap "The legend of the Taj Mahal" that I made for the occasion.
legend Taj Mahal
Il est en Inde, un mausolée de marbre blanc esseulé qui fut construit par l'empereur moghol Shâh Jahân en mémoire de son épouse Mimtaz Mahal (la lumière du palais) la favorite du Harem qui fut sa seule et unique épouse.
Son amour pour elle était tellement grand, que lorsqu'elle mourut en couche, les cheveux de l'empereur devinrent gris en une seule nuit.
La légende raconte qu'il planifiait la construction d'une réplique black marble of the Taj, on the left bank to hold its own grave. So the couple would be united after death, thanks to the bridge would have connected the two buildings.
Unfortunately, the emperor was imprisoned by his son who stole the power, Shah Jahan was poisoned and was never able to implement its projects.
At his death he was buried beside Mumtaz in Taj Mahal, and they rest side by side for eternity.
- 50% coconut HV (smoothing makes the skin silky, nourishing, penetrating, not greasy, soap bubble)
- HV 30% Sesame (UV filter, insightful, refreshing, relaxing)
- 10% almond HV (asoucissant, fabric softener, anti-stretch marks)
- 10% Br mango (nourishing, softening)
greasing 9% dilution with water for cooking rice
- Coconut milk (moisturizer, nourrissant, adoucissant)
- Terre noire des Indes (colorant naturel noir)
- Dioxyde de titane (colorant blanc)
- HE patchouli (décongestionnant, circulatoire, régénérant cellulaire, cicatrisant, tonique)
- HE cèdre (cicatrisant, astringent, antifongique, relaxant, décongestionnant, cellulite, peaux et cheveux gras, pellicules, chute des cheveux)
- HE girofle (antibacterien, antiviral, antifungal, antiseptic, general stimulant, anesthetic)
To illustrate this legend, I divided into 3 parts soap. The first part from the bottom is the black marble mausoleum that the Emperor has never had time to build, the white top depicts the Taj Mahal in white marble.
The medium marbled black and white is white and the Mumtaz black emperor sitting side by side, united in eternity.
I preferred ingredients found India: coconut, sesame, rice, almond, mango, earth, cedar, patchouli and clove.
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